Saturday 30 April 2011


When you get home, log on and read this, it will officially be May here already!!! can you believe it!!!! May!!!! Today was the one year anniversary of my 21st birthday party! This time last year we were counting down to the second time to see each other, you were counting down the days until your first trip to Europe and i was counting down the days until I was finished second year!
This year we are here counting down the days until we see each other for the fourth time, I am counting down the days until the end of my college career, and we are both counting down to the day that I move to mexico for good!!
So much has happened in just one year, we have lived together for 6 months, we have been to Mexico, Ireland, Spain and France together, we have celebrated family occasions, the bicentenary of Mexican independence, both our Dad's 50th birthdays, my Grandad passed away and so many other things but looks at us!! Stronger and happier and more in love than ever!
I just changed my calendar to the may page and I cannot believe this is the last month in Ireland, I cannot believe that soon I will be turning the page and then packing it into my suitcase ready for our bedroom wall in mexico!!
I am sooo excited to have only one more month to wait, time has passed us by so quickly and I am excited, impatient and so happy to be almost there ready to begin our journey together!!
Thank you for your support, your love, your compassion, your everything throughout this whole process, you are the best and I love you with all of my heart!!

D. Mount

1 comment:

  1. yes mi amor!!! aw!!! i love you so so much with all of my heart!! and yes!! we have livedbeautiful and hard things together, but we are fantastic and mor einlove than ever! soon bby!! one more month to hug you and kiss your lips again!!! OMG!!! cant wait... just to think about the eairport gives me buterflies in my tummy!!! :**:
