Sunday 24 April 2011

Thank You :)

This easter Sunday got off to an early start, waking at 4:15 the first thing I did was text you because you were the first thing on my mind as soon as my eyes opened. The excitement of texting you and feeling your presence even through the screen of my phone was so great. Getting online with you was even better, I was feeling kind of lonely here all by myself and to have you there with me for the start of the morning was the best start to the day ever!!
This epic beginning was followed by a movie session with my dad which was interesting and funny, he was giggling at all the funny pieces in the film and I think he enjoyed it a lot! For breakfast I had delicious cadburies chocolate with tea which was soooo yummy and I wish I could have shared with you.
my day was great after that I spent most of it chatting with you which I loved because tonight and all day today I cannot lie I have been missing you so very much
I'm not sure why but as we get closer to being together i miss you more and more. I am so excited to be with you already and the emotions that go with that excitement make me realise how close we are but my impatience makes me miss you more, I hope that makes sense :P
Thank you for spending you whole Sunday with me i appreciate it so much, you are the love of my life and to get to chat to you everyday is the best part of my everyday life, seeing your name on the screen, seeing a text message from you, seeing your beautiful face through skype all make me unbelievably happy, so this is a big thank you for you mi hermosa!!
Te amo mucho!!

D. Mount

1 comment:

  1. thank you babby... the simple fact that i found my soulmate in you makes me infinitely happy! with you I'm authentic, and fearless, I know you are truth and our love is the magic that is leading me to a daily happines and succes, you are a blessing, thanks Dan! i love u!
