Sunday 10 April 2011

Productive Sunday...

Sunday, Domingo, Demanche, Domhnaigh, Sonntag, Domencia, Dydd Sul.

Sunday in any language signifies for us all something different. For those among us who are religious it represents the Sabath, a day of rest and worship. For the working people it signifies a day off and the final chance to rest before the busy week ahead. For familes it represents, in many cases, a chance to get together with loved ones and catch up on the details of the week which has just passed. For students like myself Sunday is often not a very popular day.
In my own case Sunday has for many years been my least favourite day of the week. When Friday arrives the relief of having another week of college completed is immense, Saturday is a day of laziness and freedom to do as we please and then arrives Sunday, the last day of the weekend which is spent thinking of the week ahead and the fact taht it is a whole 5 college days until the next one. Today, having completed my history assignment yesterday, I was wandering around the house aimlesssly bothering my mother in the kitchen. I had been outside and walked around in teh sunshine, I had been to see my Nana, I had skyped with you mi amor,  I had sang for a while and now I was bored.
My mother who was tiring of looking at me moping around her kitchen suggested I do something productive such as draw a picture, or write a blog or read an article, so I have decided to do all three and this blog will be my piece of productivity for this Sunday the 10th of April 2011.

The Picture:

The Article:

I read an article in Psychologies magazine called Assert Yourself, it talked about being more assertive in order to achieve what you wanted and to be happy in life, at the end of the article there was a quiz. It consisted of ten questions which I answered as honestly as I could, the results once I had added up my scores was a tie of sorts, which told me that:
a) I let people walk all over me 
b) I know my boundaries 
I found these results interesting as initially when reading these two statements they seem to be the complete opposite of each other but when you look closer and really think about it they can co-exist within one person.
The first option for me is very much true in many cases as I some times lack the confidence to stand up to people and go against their thoughts but the swecond is very true also as I do know my boundaries and when I feel they are being crossed the first version of me goes out the window. The only explanation I can find for this is that in many areas I am extremely passionate and in others i just could not give a damn.
For many years I did let friends walk all over me, they would cancel evening outs repeatedly and I never objected, they would say horrible things and I never batted an eyelid keeping it all inside and when they wanted to do something or go somewhere I was not happy about I simply zipped my lips shut and never uttered a word of objection.
Then I changed and it is very rare for these types of situations to arise now as college as made me much more assertive, now if I am not in agreeance with a situation or if I do not like the direction something is taking I will say no, however it is still very easy to change my mind, and I guess this is an issue of self-confidence rather than assertiveness. 
Nevertheless this quiz was interesting as it made me think of many current situations in which I can protest and protest well but my assertiveness once locked in an epic battle with my self-confidence and self-consciousness is no true match, it simply does not have that fighting spirit.

The Blog:

“A lot of young writers, people in all media, wnat to be famous, but they dont really want to do anything. I can’t think of anything less worth striving for that fame.” Zadie Smith, writer.

When I saw this quote I immediately thought ‘Wow, how interesting and so true!’. 
Have you ever thought about how many people are labelled as ‘celebraties’ these days? 
Everybody wants to be famous because you get the nice car and the nice house and lots of money, you get to look beautiful on the red carpet, designers want to clothe you and the whole world idolises you.
Thinking more about this issue, although I want to be recognised as a singer and as part of our band Aurdi, I think I would prefer to be famous, in the alternative sense of the word. The world where you can be under the radar and not constantly in the eyes of the public, where you have plenty of fans and make enogh money to have a great lifestyle but where you can still have your own life, where you do not have to be constantly followed by body guards, and plagued by the press and media people, I guess I would like to be moderately famous.
This quote also made me realise something else, we all want to be something and have the benefits of being a somebody with the money and the nice life but we all want this by doing nothing. 
I do not think I know anybody who actually wants to work to have to climb the professional ladder in order to get a good wage, truthfully we all would like to do absolutely nothing and get paid for doing so, but Zadie Smith is right in saying that this is not worth striving for so we all have our dreams and our goals as a result. Many of us will be able to accomplish these things but for many they will continue with a meaningless life, some might be famous, some wont, but even if they are famous I would prefer to have accomplished something in my life than have the empty shall of being famous as my one and only accomplishment.

So mi amor here is the product of a very good sunday. I thought about you every minute, soon we will be having productive Sundays together, writing songs, singing, painting, doing so many things just for us and I cannot wait. I hope you enjoy this blog bby, you are my inspiration and my muse and you give me the confidence to express myself and let myself go and by my true self.
You are my heart and my world and I adore you!
Happy Sunday beautiful!! Thinking of you!

D. Mount.


  1. Mi amor! wow I loved this!! yes a very productive sunday definitely!!... You are very talented! This drawing is my favorit amor!!! thanks for doing Audri's art!! I LOVE YOU! and you kno wwhat, let's be part of the ones who actually work and want to work for a dream!! n_n

  2. I read this again and wow!! i couldn't wish for more!! you are so talented and intelligent damn! te amo <3
