Friday 15 April 2011

Casual Conversation...

Nancy- ''Im very upset he haven't text me back, I texted him like half an hour ago!''
Lisa- ''Don't be a bitch! You hang out with him everyday!''
Nancy- '' I'm not talking about my boyfriend!...''
Lisa- ''Oh!! I get it yeah.''
Nancy- ''See the thing is, I don't know what to do. I feel guilty because me and my boyfriend are great at the momment but at the same time I don't because Mark makes me feel good''
Lisa-''Hmm well, first of all, you're guys are not ''great'' otherwise you wouldn't be looking for somebody else''
Nancy- ''I suppose so, but still, I haven't done anything, we just text, go out and it's so nice because he cares so much about me, he makes me feel wanted and he is always available!''
Lisa- ''Ok well then leave your boyfriend! Is not that complicated''
Nancy- '' Oh no I can't do that! I don't want to loose him. Ough!! this ashole didn't text back, oh well, let's see who begs to who tomorrow''
Lisa- ''Haha you are a case!! To be honest I couldn't even think about the idea of hanging out and text with somebody else, but anyway, that is just my modest opinion''
Nancy- ''I know is just the exitement of something prohibited!, I don't even like Mark for a boyfriend''
Lisa- ''Well fair enough, then do what you please!, now let's go before the polen of this tree gives me allergy''
Nancy-''Oh!! finally this fucker is alive!. Ok, but remember you gotta drop me off first before my brother takes over the shower, I don't want to smell like grass and dirt when my chicken picks me up''.......

And just like this, many other casual conversations in the world end up by been meaningless and cold. For most, love is an ilutionary fairy tell once watched on a Disney film, but for a few of us is beyond  the comprenhensible. Love means healing, caring, laughting, it means to know that you are meaninfull in the planet, at least for that person. It means your no longer alone. It means to share you most intimative and truly self with someone, to be part of a team, to creat and to build a life. It means to be happy every day or your life. It means to have a human blanket for the winter and a parthner to supports you in menopause. It means the real meaning of existence and life. Love means that if you knoe what I'm talking about, then you were lucky enought to find it.

I hope you liked this :) haha and I hope it makes sense.
I love you mi amor, this is the luck you were talking about,
this!!! You and me, always and forever!!


1 comment:

  1. bby this was great, thanks you so much, and bby you are right exactly right we have something rare and true and i feel privileged to be able to say with pride, yes i have a partner from my life, yes i love somebody and she loves me, fuck bby i adore you and i just want to make you happy, you are my world, thanks for this post it is very imaginative :)
    I LOVE YOU!!
