Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Sweet Life.

I was contemplating writing a blog about life and how short it is and how we should make the most of it because I am thinking about Ciaran but instead I'm just going to forget about the serious things in life and write about sweets, yes sweets and how much I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend and all of the chocolate and sweets I got to eat just because it was Easter!!
Sunday morning: Cadbuy's with tea....OMG delicious, chocolate melts in your mouth with the tea and it is just heaven!!
Sunday evening: We shared an Easter egg between the four of us, again delicious and resulted in Meliss and I being catapulted into a hyperactive frenzy, we both laughed like insane freaks while Kev and Killi watched, slightly horrified!!
Monday morning: cream egg while watching friends, epic!
Monday night: jellies, jellies and more jellies!!!
I think it is safe to say that I have eaten enough sweets this weekend and damn it was so good!!! :)

Thanks for helping me let go and not feel so bad with myself for enjoying my food and just forgetting about it!
I love you so much!!!

D. Mount

1 comment:

  1. I love you too beautiful!!... did you read?? yes you! yes!! I am calling you beautiful?? did u get it?? BEAUTIFUL!!! you are!! YOU!!! not the clothes you wear, the food you eat or the money you have... nu huh mi lady!! you are my beautiful angel!! n_n te amo! <3
