Sunday 3 April 2011

Deep Within Us.

Its hard to know which way the wind will blow and where your life might take you. Sometimes the only certainty is the feeling you have in your heart. Our minds change constantly as we wander through this immense journey called life, never knowing what is around the next corner or even if the road continues after the next bend. Yet we persist in trying to figure it out this complex structure named the brain, and thoughts and feelings which it diffuses and how they shape us each day. I dream at night and cannot recall but the feeling is still there, we all have a subconscious which Frued called the ID a piece of us which we bury deep, another layer. Many of us ignore this part as the things it holds could be fatal, can you imagine if our ID's were let free, there would be chaos every where. Language is the tool through which we express our thoughts and feelings and opinions but there are many of these which are left inside, forever buried and hidden.

My outwardly love for you is matched on the inside by raw emotion. You are my one, my true love, my only.
Of this I am certain, come what may, no matter which obstacles may befall us, I am yours until our very last days, wife and wife, heart and heart, true love, yours forever,
Te amo

1 comment:

  1. Thank you bby, it is a relief to know, and you know I feel the exact sae way, and if you don't Im letting you know now. I am your forever, I found myself in you and ever since, my heart belongs with yours. I know why you wrote this, and if there is something I never break are promises, and bby I am who you see, who you know. Nothing else, I'm not a drag I am a queen like Lady Gaga would say. I am Jess and I am proud of who I am, inside and outside. I proudly lesbian, sometimes feminist who represents the strenght of our sex.. that's all. I love you amor!!! what you see is what it is :) remember! Te amo!
