Saturday 30 April 2011


When you get home, log on and read this, it will officially be May here already!!! can you believe it!!!! May!!!! Today was the one year anniversary of my 21st birthday party! This time last year we were counting down to the second time to see each other, you were counting down the days until your first trip to Europe and i was counting down the days until I was finished second year!
This year we are here counting down the days until we see each other for the fourth time, I am counting down the days until the end of my college career, and we are both counting down to the day that I move to mexico for good!!
So much has happened in just one year, we have lived together for 6 months, we have been to Mexico, Ireland, Spain and France together, we have celebrated family occasions, the bicentenary of Mexican independence, both our Dad's 50th birthdays, my Grandad passed away and so many other things but looks at us!! Stronger and happier and more in love than ever!
I just changed my calendar to the may page and I cannot believe this is the last month in Ireland, I cannot believe that soon I will be turning the page and then packing it into my suitcase ready for our bedroom wall in mexico!!
I am sooo excited to have only one more month to wait, time has passed us by so quickly and I am excited, impatient and so happy to be almost there ready to begin our journey together!!
Thank you for your support, your love, your compassion, your everything throughout this whole process, you are the best and I love you with all of my heart!!

D. Mount

Our Home....

Can't wait to make our home dream together!! Mi amor!! Im just too happy today and couldn't think about anything else but us and our home... it's going to be amazing like it is!! thank you for makin this dream possible!! thanks Audri and thanks universe fo our love and talents !! <3




Looking, Seeing, Being

Today I have been very aware of how we all are as individuals. Firstly whilst watching the royal wedding I was made so aware of social status, beauty, how we are watched constantly (not to the scale that the royals are but well). We are constantly being observed and judged on appearance.
This heightened awareness was fueled further by my reading for my take home exam about African traditions and cultures and how we look at those different cultures and how they look at our cultures and I was once again so aware of the fact that we are all looking to see how each other lives constantly.
finally i was made aware of individual appearances and how we are judged by others for our appearance but how we are judged the most severely by ourselves.We are constantly picking out faults and monitoring them, obsessing over them and this presents us from loving ourselves, just like cultural, racial, economical differences stop us from loving those in the world who might be different.
Thinking about this and watching glee as they all wore their faults printed in big black writing on the front of their shirts, I was thinking of how complex acceptance is.
We struggle with ourselves everyday for our entire lives because each day we find fault be it our weight, our hair, our make up, our clothes, anything and in society we are constantly struggling against each other also.
So how do we fix these issues, I know it is not as simple as printing your fault on your tee shirt and go parading around and it is definitely not simple regarding social issues but is there a way for us to ever all be at peace with ourselves and love ourselves for who we truly are and will there ever be an erasing of the lines of difference between the many difference peoples of the world?
These question interest, yet perplex me as they are questions which will most likely remain unanswered and will continue for generations to come, it seems to be in out nature to fear difference and to always find fault with ourselves.

D. Mount

Friday 29 April 2011

You are cordially invited to a Royal Wedding!

This morning I became one of the enthralled masses who watched as Katherine Middleton married Prince William of England. 1,900 quests filed into the breath taking Westminster Abbey to witness one of the most astonishing and record breaking wedding of the century.
Royal weddings have for centuries been an iconic celebration filled with grandeur and splendor. The groom wore the red coat of the Irish Guard uniform and the brides attire was shrouded in mystery. There was speculation that she would wear a dress from the design house of Alexander Mc Queen and this speculation was correct.
When she made her way to the Abbey for the ceremony her dress came into view from the waist up, a beautiful fitted bodice with lace arms and shoulders, to comply with the rule that shoulders should never be shown when inside the Abbey.
When she emerged from her car onto the red carpet the beauty of her dress was revealed, her svelte figure was highlights in a fitted bodice which flowed into a perfectly sized skirt accompanied by a rather long train which her sister Pippa carried behind her, her make up was D.I.Y and simple yet elegant and refined, her hair was curled in a natural fashion with a small tiara and veil giving Kate a sophisticated, vintage and stunning look over all.
The ceremony was simple yet grand with beautiful choral music filling the abbey as William and Kate became the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, their new official title.
I had sworn that I would not be dragged into the frenzy and rush of watching the royal wedding but to see a young couple take vows surrounded by so many people of all status' it was difficult not to be drawn in.
The fashion was excellent as were the aesthetics of the abbey and the a palace and to see a fairy tale come to life right in front of your eyes was a nice release. It was nice to delve in to world of the royals and feel part of a fantasy world just for a few hours.
It is remarkable to think that in a world like the one in which we live there is still room for such a monarchy, they are watched world wide, recognised world wide and today was a momentous occasion as a commoner joined the royal family, making this fairy tale dream more accessible to us all and proving that with love anything is possible!


I am a teacher!!

Mi amor!!!
In some of the first conversations we had, you told me something that I've never gonna forget.. You said, "One of my dream is to travel around the world, and as a teacher you have the chance to work wherever you want"
I thought it was such a clever idea! and until today, I didnt realize that it is!... Wich is great!! Mi amor... I dont feel ashame of starting doing what Im doing, Im proud of myself, and happy of do something that allowes me to give some knoledge back to the universe :) Mi amor... You know our 1st dream is to make our music to be listened by the whole world and we will! and today while talking to you, I realize that to be a teacher as a second profetion can actually work out with it :) more simple, less responsability to any company, and absolute freedom... Mi amor!! You my 1st ever dream come true in  my life n_n and with you I will make the other one come true! te amo!!!

J. Mount

Thursday 28 April 2011

the Beach...

this is  the ideal place to go in any ocation. Like we know, many couples choose this paradise as its honey moon destination, for some simple details that you mencioned already, tranquility, beauty, and relaxation. The perfect state for just married people :) Specially young ones like us! Mi amor, I wanted to post you some info about the beaches we may get to visit, so we can decide our ideal destination!!
I love you so much Amor


This is a review of an american... so well  :) with their "delicacy" ¬¬ we can tell... Cancun is awesome!

what makes Cancun such a great Mexico vacation destination? 
Let's make a list :
A new city complete with high end shopping malls, movie theaters, clean streets that don't scare the crap out of my car, modern police and fire departments.
Endless white sand beaches with crystal clear turquoise blue water. Not just in Cancun's hotel zone . . . 
Water sports! If you are into sailing, sea kayaking, snorkeling or scuba diving . . . Cancun is ideally located on the Mayan Riviera and close to what calls out your name in your dreams.
Ruins! While there is a very small set of ruins left in the middle of the hotel zone (El Rey), Cancun is in range of the ruins of Tulum, Coba, Chichen Itza, Uxmal and more. One of the things that makes Cancun Mexico the perfect vacation destination is its proximity to the old and the new. So you can experience the best of both worlds!
Nightlife . . . we have an entire page on this guide dedicated to the Cancun nightlife Spring Breakers have made it so famous for. World class clubs that could only be described as a party paradise.



36 days left of being apart!
864 hours.
51,840 minuets.

My excitement is growing each day and as I tick off assignments and exams which have been completed and I see each month come to an end i am reminded of how close we really are to being back together.

70 day we have been apart!
1680 hours.
100,800 minuets.

We have been so brave during this time apart and I am so proud of us and each day has been a new experience, we have had good days and less then good days but each of these has taught us a lesson about who we are, how we are and how we can develop as individuals and as a couple also.

You are my heart and each day I love you more and more, this evening talking about our honey moon I was so excited because to experience natural beauty in all its splendor with you by my side, my wife, there can be nothing more amazing than that in this world!
I love you now and forever j, I am yours and you are mine, thank you for everything mi hermosa!!
Te amo!!!


Wednesday 27 April 2011


Hermosa, solo quiero agregar al comentario que hice en tu post anterior, que eres una persona admirable. Amo la forma en la que pueder apreciar a las persona y tu sensibilidad para entender cosas que para los demas no tienen sentido. Eres grande Dani, tengo suerte de haberte conocido. Te amo con pasion, entrega y lealtad, para siempre.


Tuesday 26 April 2011


Mi amor, I hope you don't mind but I would like to just make a short entry today, a tribute to Ciaran who passed away earlier this evening after a grueling two year battle against cancer. 
He fought like a true hero and never once did his belief or positive attitude waver. 
I only knew him for a short time but I am proud and privileged to say that he had an influence on me. 
His way of thinking and of fighting was inspiring and I will never forget him and how much he touched my moms life. He became one of her closest friends and taught her a lot also and made her see life through different eyes.

So this is for you Ciaran I hope you are happy now and at peace. Your pain and suffering is over now and we are all proud of you an the fight you put up. I hope you get to see Grandad where ever you end up and I hope the next life is good to you.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

D. Mount

Time throu hair!...

Mi amor today while wonderingaround some old cd's for the sales I found old pictures haha wow! i couldnt believe my hair! and the different it makes me look... it even change my personality christ! :P so here it is! old stages of my hair to see wich one do u like better!
Te amo hermosa!! <3

I was 20 here :)

I was 19 here :P... I KNOW!

I was 19 here :)

I was 18 here :)

I was 18 :P
i was 24 here :)

 I am 24 here :D how boyish!!


The Sweet Life.

I was contemplating writing a blog about life and how short it is and how we should make the most of it because I am thinking about Ciaran but instead I'm just going to forget about the serious things in life and write about sweets, yes sweets and how much I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend and all of the chocolate and sweets I got to eat just because it was Easter!!
Sunday morning: Cadbuy's with tea....OMG delicious, chocolate melts in your mouth with the tea and it is just heaven!!
Sunday evening: We shared an Easter egg between the four of us, again delicious and resulted in Meliss and I being catapulted into a hyperactive frenzy, we both laughed like insane freaks while Kev and Killi watched, slightly horrified!!
Monday morning: cream egg while watching friends, epic!
Monday night: jellies, jellies and more jellies!!!
I think it is safe to say that I have eaten enough sweets this weekend and damn it was so good!!! :)

Thanks for helping me let go and not feel so bad with myself for enjoying my food and just forgetting about it!
I love you so much!!!

D. Mount

Monday 25 April 2011

I believe in Miracles!

Mi amor i just finishe making the best video ever!! is funny and sexy haha u'r gonna love it!! i wont post it here because it'd for your private collection! I love you amor!! so so much!!! is in ur hotmail... see you tomorrow kiki!

J. Mount

Sunday 24 April 2011

Thank You :)

This easter Sunday got off to an early start, waking at 4:15 the first thing I did was text you because you were the first thing on my mind as soon as my eyes opened. The excitement of texting you and feeling your presence even through the screen of my phone was so great. Getting online with you was even better, I was feeling kind of lonely here all by myself and to have you there with me for the start of the morning was the best start to the day ever!!
This epic beginning was followed by a movie session with my dad which was interesting and funny, he was giggling at all the funny pieces in the film and I think he enjoyed it a lot! For breakfast I had delicious cadburies chocolate with tea which was soooo yummy and I wish I could have shared with you.
my day was great after that I spent most of it chatting with you which I loved because tonight and all day today I cannot lie I have been missing you so very much
I'm not sure why but as we get closer to being together i miss you more and more. I am so excited to be with you already and the emotions that go with that excitement make me realise how close we are but my impatience makes me miss you more, I hope that makes sense :P
Thank you for spending you whole Sunday with me i appreciate it so much, you are the love of my life and to get to chat to you everyday is the best part of my everyday life, seeing your name on the screen, seeing a text message from you, seeing your beautiful face through skype all make me unbelievably happy, so this is a big thank you for you mi hermosa!!
Te amo mucho!!

D. Mount

The Chat...

Is the daily chat that we have that makes me see the world with love eyes. That makes me feel that the day is worth it and that I have to be gratefull for what I've got. Is the chat that we have that kept in my head like a stamp and makes me think about you every second without hasitation. Is whathas inified us more than ever, the medium in wich we rest our thoughts and words to get to know each other, is the magic of the new millenium that allowed us to be extraordinary together rather than ordinary appart... the bless of technology!
M amorm this daily chat is the daily check up to out relationship, is like the water u put to the flowers so they dont go dry.. Now I undersatnd all this that it means that I couldnt see before... Im very thankful for you, and for all that u are, and what we are together... This love is tatued in my heart and in my soul andhas moved and will move my world for good all the time!
I had an exceptional day thanks to you today amor! And even though I miss you like crazy, one months is like to wait for my next period... we know that it happens so fast!!


Saturday 23 April 2011

The wonders of Nature.

This evening I spent the whole evening outside, adventuring around como Dora la Exploradora!!
we had a visitor in our front garden, a little hedgehog which is very rare as they are very nervous animals and usually you only see them squashed after a car has run over them, so we were so lucky to have this experience. You saw the hedgehog briefly on skype but after you left she wandered out of the hedge and onto the grass, we all gathered around her and she was very relaxed around us, I grabbed my camera and she posed for me and then decided it was time to hobble home, she only has three legs so this was a wobbly journey.
Then I took some pictures of a beautiful evening in Ireland to share with you because I know you miss the nature and the long evening here so much so I took pictures so you could be part of this gorgeous evening too.
this evening when I brought the computer outside it hit me how much I miss you physically, usually we are inside when we skype so it is normal for me to miss you in the bedroom, the kitchen and the bathroom but today it brought the realisation of how much i miss you to another level as I realised that you were not here to be outside adventuring with me in the wild of our front garden. I wish you had been here to see the gorgeous sky as the sun was beginning to set and to see the hedgehog wandering around and to run with me like a crazy person away from the bees who are buzzing around the tree in the corner of our garden.
I would give anything for my day dream of you turning up and surprising me to come true so I could share these amazing evenings with you and then get ready together for my move to our new life. This evening as the beautiful sun lowered itself into slumber behind the horizon I had hope in my heart that my dream might come true and I had eternal love in my heart as the beauty of the nature surrounding me reminded me of you.
I love you with all of my heart and I just want to be with you already, I am so proud of us for being apart for so long and for being so strong, and I am so happy to be almost at the finish line with mexico firmly in my grasp.

D. Mount

Us girls...

Like Katy Perry says, we are fricken irresistible... and damn bby!!! you friken are!! n_n 
bby I went out after all. I was watching the film and Abril called at 10 to say she was kinda down and she really wanted to go out so well I agreed and bby we went ..hahahaha Oh gosh I was laughting my arse off, I didnt tell her why but, we went to play Bingo amor hahah literally to the BigBola Casino. It was cool  I hadn't go in Celaya, I play liek 5 bingos but i didnt win anyting :C I needed mi pingy do to win because bby, with u is teh original Bingo hahaha, so we're going to play Bingo... real Bingo at that casino when u arrive :) is cheap, $10 pesos per game and free fizzydrink :) so is good for when we are broke and try to win with some irish luck x) 
So I just got home mi amor, and all I could think about was you, the whole time! Gosh today is the day I have missed you the most no joke... but well almost 40 days! and mi amor I can't wait to have you in my arms! and u are friken irresistable that I was thinking about Bingo with you while playing Bingo hahaha how odd! oh well Amor, best luck the next time when we are together :)
So bby IM SENDING YOU A MILLION OF KIKIS FOR THE WHOLE DAY AND HUGS ALSO AND MORE KIKIS, I'm going sleepies now, Im so tired, plus, I cant wait to wake up and talk to you n_n yay!!
Have a fantastic day amor, and If there is bones or some bread at Bashys have some for me... fuck I miss irish bread!.. te amo hermosa... and hey, I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for have taken the decition of comming here mi amor, and have to break your heart in two because you dont want to leave ur family but you want to be with me. Abril made me notice that today and gosh, I have never thought about that little heart breaking detail. Mi amor you are an angel and you deserve the world and the best and all the love in this world wich Im gonna give you, I will take care of you and I promise that its going to be worth it mi amor... Thank you thank you so much!!!! I love you Dani!! very much! see you later on :*


Loving you...

I looked into the blue sky today and saw the white trail left behind by a plane making its way to a new destination.
In 40 days I will be on one of those planes making my way to you.
you asked earlier how different we would be if we were like regular couple and if we could just drive every weekend to see each other. Honestly I think we would be very different. although being apart is very difficult and it takes a lot of strength I would not change our relationship one bit, I love how we have gotten to know each other inside out. We know every detail about each other and I think in regular relationships those details are sometimes for gotten about, or postponed. We have such a strong relationship because we are completely aware of how the other person is and I think we can say that this strength stems from the fact that we have been apart for the beginning of our relationship..
Starting a new stage of being together full time for a long time is exciting and another stage for us, we have done long distance, we have done living together for a few months at a time and now we have a new stage to enjoy where we will learn a lot more about each other and where I am sure we will build our relationship even further.
You are my sun my moon and my stars and I am glad we are the way we are, i would not change a thing and I am so excited to be beginning this new stage with you in June.
I love you so much!!


Friday 22 April 2011

First sirens, now Vampires and wolfs :O

Hahaha well!! I thought this will interest you bby :) is related very, to one of your favorite books!
I hope you enjoy it hermosa! te amo!!!

Twilight in forks

Charge it in college at some point bby :) its kool!


Thursday 21 April 2011

Never Judge a book by its Cover.

The mind works in mysterious ways, what you see is not always what you get when you meet a person or pick up a book, or look at an album cover.
In the case of us humans there is a complex maze of thoughts and opinions bubbling beneath the surface things which shape us and mould us into the people we are to become.
whilst watching a chat show thins evening and listening to a pessimistic guy talking about relationships I realised that the power of the mind if profound.
There has been a lot lately in the media about obsessive compulsive disorder. I am not an expert but this disorder can be extremely debilitaing as it can create huge obstacle within a persons mind which in turn makes the living of life far more difficult, this made me think about the habits we pick up on our way through life, we all have certain things we like and dont like, things we have specific rules for and many other things which we control in out won minds and can rarely be seen by others as they too are immersed in their own concerns.
You are the only thing on my mind and I just want to hold you already.

D. Mount

Be free!

Its clear, we can even see it in the nature... the freedom is part of us, such a strong and powerful feeling that can move our whole lifes!.. Look at these pictures! don't you feel like running? flying? screaming? if the answear is YES then it is because just like these creature, you have a soul, wich is free that is our nature and that is what we have to be lawyal to, not jails, not cages....
Your are like the water that cleans the bluriness in my eyes bby, thanks for making me realize of so many things... I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND ALWAYS!



Language, Idioma, La Langue, Teanga.

Watching  'El Laberinto del Fauno' today I realised how important different languages are!
It was such a freeing feeling to be able to understand the Spanish being spoken by the characters and read the English subtitles. It is empowering to know that you can communicate to some degree in many different languages!
The brain is like a labyrinth of sorts, which gathers and holds many different languages and at the centre of these languages are our thoughts, our opinions, our truths, our lies, everything about us which we relay to people through these different languages!
I am lucky to be in a bilingual relationship and to speak different languages!! It is a gift and one which I am grateful for, if we had not both been able to speak a common language the first day we met our story could have been very different, so this post is to praise language and its many uses and wonders!!

I love you...Te amo...Je t'aime...Tá ghrá agam duit...<3

D. Mount

Wednesday 20 April 2011

I love you...

Mi amor... this is just a quick entry to tell you  I LOVE YOU SO SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! and thanks for all ur love patience and love!!! you are the best :**:


Tuesday 19 April 2011


Today the sunshine called to me and told me to go outside and soak up some vitamin D, so I did as I was told and ventured out into the sun with my camera in my hand!
Every where looks so pretty when it is basking in the warm glow of the April sun, the flowers look more alive, the grass appears greener and the sky is a marvelous shade of light blue. Also the sunshine makes it possible to take some interesting shadow pictures.
So today as my blog entry I decided to share the fruits of my creativity and post you the pictures I took on my adventures around my house, I hope you enjoy them bby, they are just a little bit of randomness really.

I love you!!!

P.S; The shadow of me holding up my hand making the shape is half a heart, waiting for you so I can make it whole again!

P.P.S; the disgusting cigarette butts are left over from Dee at the weekend...YIKES!!

D. Mount