Wednesday 23 March 2011

Sirenas, Sirens, Sirènes, Sirene, صفارات الانذار, 警報器, サイレン , Сирены ...

The biggest mistery ever described by the human race. The supernatural euforia, the knowledge that is kept unknown, the facts, the proofs, the reality... what is all that about? Is the world as we concieve it, the real one? How can we find the thruth if we're been kept away, if we've been obligated to ignore? Is there some other reality?

I recent documental I found about ''mythical species'', apparently creations of an imaginary world, creations of the ''madness'', is just one of many scientific discoveries and revelations of missing pieces of thruth that remains yet... lost. By wondering this evening about the existence of the human race and our origins, I let my mind flew into a philosophical encounter between the ideas I have lerned to process as true, and the ideas that I have dared to even think as an alternative possibility.

Not all that you see is what it is... but, what do we really see? Is it the buildings or the clothes, the technology, the TV... Is that really what is out there, or is it just a well planified construction that belongs to the 1 per cent of people that owns  and controls the world???  A political conscecuence maybe?  the fasination for power?... or just the natural egocentrism of the human being... We are the puppets in this theater, but we are to blind and too scared to realize...

To not involve my head in more of  all the things I need to say, I will simplify this post and just present you a research that shows more than what you see... reading the context sometimes is more efficient than reading the actual sourse....

I hope you enjoy it mi amor!!! I love you so so much!!! :D

Oh fuck!!! its in spanish, I just notice!!...  oh well, good practice :D

J. Mount


  1. Fuck you write so well!! damn!! this sound so interesting!!! i will watch the videos later i cant wait to see that theysay! thanks so much for this mi amor i enjoyed readng what you ahd to say so much!! damn my girlfriend is bad ass!!!!!fuck yeah!!thats my jess!!
    te amo mucho mi amor!! <3

  2. and im sure i will mangage with it in spanish, and if i miss bits well i have you to help me, youa re the best!! i love you <3
