Saturday 19 March 2011

The Art of Reading.

I love to read, books are a place of adventure, a place of safety, a place where I can be completely consumed by a fictitious world and submerge myself completely within the world which the author is created.
I identify with the characters, live through their stories, feel their feeling and experience their story with them through the pages of a book.
Today I decided to read something different to go online and read some of the news pieces, the jobs section, the entertainment headlines and some random articles which is when I came across this, some thing completely random which reminded me of how easily the lines of reality and fiction can be blurred. This article shows a new  real life dwelling which is emerging but was previously the dwelling of mythical creatures in fairy tales such as Peter Pan or in animated films such as Tarzan.
It is funny that you can find similar aspects of a piece of fiction as you can in real life articles. I guess is just proves that we are living in a sort of fiction and that all fiction is really based on the reality which surrounds the author creating it.

I also came across this article which I thought was kewl, really it just reminded me of you, it reminded me of how much we have to see and how lucky we are to both be willing to travel and to share the passion for discovering the world and all it has to offer and to do it with somebody by our side, enjoying all of your adventures with you. Of course we have many more cities to see but some of these cities are very kewl!

I hope you enjoy these, just a little bit of randomness, something a little different :)
I love you so much, and I cannot wait to see the world with you

D. Mount

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much mi amor :) I love that u read and Im very proud of you, I admire you even more everyday... And I will follow ur example and make readinga new habit, thanks for the articules mi amor! i will read them right now, te amo! <3
