Monday 7 March 2011

El sabio que cita el amor...

''El amor junta los cetros con los cayados; la grandeza con la bajeza; hace posible lo imposible; iguala diferentes estados y viene a ser poderoso como la muerte'' Don Quijote de la Manche.

Today I watched a beautiful film with my mom,  and we both cry. It's called ''The Student'' and as very simple as it seems gave me a big lesson, one I will never forget. Love is not just another thing, Love is the biggest bless the heaven could give you... The miracle of life and the joy of freedom. And love with you is the proof that something bigger than humans exist, because your an angel and that can't be human. This is the secong book I want you to read. ''Don Quijote de la Mancha'' and is one i will read as well. I love you with all of my heart! thank you for been the most beautiful soul and the most beautiful heart on the earth... Te amo!

Here is the link for it.

and also bby this is one of the most romantic scene of this anime soap I want to watch with you... candy

J. Mount

1 comment:

  1. amor thanks so much :) te amo <3
    and yes love is the biggest blessing any of us can have and we are so so lucky and i am thankful everyday for our love it is the light that illuminates my life, i love you
