Thursday 10 March 2011

My light, my life, my love.

Once upon a time I was a lonely skeptical girl. I believed in love but never that somebody could love me.
I longed for somebody to love me, care , for me, desire me but in this longing i closed myself off, afraid to know love, to experience it , to share myself with somebody else. I was afraid to be so close to somebody that you could hear their heart beat, I was terrified to stand, lie be with somebody in the purest form, naked.  I was afraid to make the commitment of being somebody's other half.

Then you were sent into my life, like an angel from the stars and now I know what it is to experience, love, to feel the sunshine on my face, to feel the freedom of sharing my life with you. I am no longer afraid to love or to be loved because you have showed me what a blessing it is to have love in our lives, you have showed me deep love, affection, intimacy, kindness, generosity and every day you amaze me, you are my soul mate and it was destiny which brought us together,

You asked today where I saw my self in five years time and for the first time I can actually visualise my life in five years time, because now my life has a purpose and a direction, now I have you.

D. Mount


  1. Once upon a time... many many years ago I thought the same but never doubt that the gilr of my dreams will be out there waiting and that someday i will have the luck to meet her... Today I am one of those fortunate one wo experienced the pleasure of win the lottery... I enjoy everyday its benefits... our love!!! thank you for that add! I love you <3

  2. i love you too my precious precious bby, <3
