Tuesday 1 March 2011

Love, love, love. love. amazing love

Today I floated on cloud nine, my head was clear, my heart was happy and i felt good.
The sky was blue reflecting my mood, a pathetic fallacy of sorts I guess you could say, the gentle breeze provided me with fresh air to fill my lungs and your voice in my mind allowed me to stay focused through out the day.
Sometimes in life we are faced with challenges some bad, some good and almost all of the time we conquer them, either directly or indirectly. Tomorrow I am facing an ongoing challenge head on and I am going to give it my all, and I will do it with you as my inspiration because there truly is nothing better than your love.
This issue of challenges was brought to my mind also when I saw your blog every this morning, and when I watched one of my favourite TV shows this evening. Your blog yesterday demonstrated one of these on going challenges faced by a collective bunch of individuals know through out the world as: 'the gays, the queers, the fags, the benders, dyke's, butches.' the list goes on. However this challenge is one which we all fight in a common allegiance calling for a change. And in the end we will have the change we want because we are fighting for something we believe in, something which has love at its core, not just love for a gay or lesbian partner but a love for human rights for equality. Who would have thought that in this day and age we would still be fighting against the stigma of being gay or lesbian, who thought we would still be fighting for rights to marriage, civil partnership, adoption, legal rights. But here we are and we will remain standing tall and fighting for what we believe in.
Your love makes me passionate and inspired, and the commitment we are going to make to each other inspires me to be the best for you and for us, we are one showing the world our love and we will not let the challenges stop us because love conquers all. I love you <3



  1. Mi amor this is so beautiful!!! You make my admiration grow every day! I love you with all of my heart... you gimme peace.. te amo! <3

  2. and you give me peace mi amor, you realy are my rock and my inspiration <3
