Friday 4 March 2011

Níos fearr le cheile.

Lá atá inniu ann, nuair a chonaic me tú ar Skype, mo chroí ní féidir le buille.
Tá tú an cailín is áille i feicthe me riamh agus ta an t-adh agam a bhfuil tú i mo shaol.
Shine do chuid súl cosúil le milliún réaltaí sa spéir na hoíche soiléir. 
Is é do meangadh mar refreshing mar gaoithe samhradh te. 
Is é do chroí an íomhá scáthán na mianach. 
Agus tá me i ngrá leat go deo.

Amor, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and how amazingly, breath takingly beautiful you are! Every time I see you, even through that small screen, I fall more in love with you! The universe put us together last September and since then we have grown closer very day and here we are happy, in love and preparing ourselves to embark on a brand new adventure together! Thank you for caring about me so much, loving me with all of your heart and making me so unbelievably happy!! I love you with every cell in my body, with every beat of my heart, and with every breath I take! The smile on my face when I see you is one of genuine joy as I am reflecting the joy that having you in my life gives me.
I love you forever beautiful, thank you.

P.S...You can use Google translate to figure out what I typed at first in irish :) te amo



  1. Go raibh maith agat as a bheith atá ag tarrtháil mo chroí, le haghaidh a thabhairt ar ais dom áthas do chreidiúnaithe agus a chruthú go bhfuil grá fíor.
    Mise deo. Is breá liom tú!

    (i hope this google translate is ok) :P My first irish sentences haha I love you!

  2. hahaha they are almost right bby, googlt transalet misses something in irish but dont worry once you learn you will be able to fix them :) i love you so much!! hahaha is breá liom tu means...i like you .jum...hee hee te amo!
