Friday 18 March 2011


This evening after more drama than I had anticipated I finally booked my ticket to Mexico in June.
At the time I was feeling exhausted from the booking of the ticket but now I have recuperated and recovered my senses and regained control of my head, which I thought was going to explode!
I am sitting here in my room, my safe place, my little piece of the world and I am feeling rather nostalgic.
I am so excited to be in mexico again, it is my second home, it is where you are, my heart and it is a land full of new adventures for us together!
I cannot wait to learn a new language, learn more of the culture, live in a big city, experience my life freely with you by my side. But with all these feelings of joy, excitement and love I am also a little frightened, a little nervous and a little sad to be leaving my family even though I know I will be in perfect once I get there.
I guess these are all just normal feeling when you are moving out of home for the first time.
I am ready to embark on a new adventure, to see the world and for us to experience every thing it has to offer!
You are my sun, moon and stars and this journey is worth it because my destination is your arms but with every new adventure comes a stream of memories and a nostalgic air which can be almost as overwhelming as the feeling of exultation.
I love you, thank you for all your amazing support. <3

D. Mount


  1. aw m amor, i understand perfectly, I lived it when i was 18, of course, it was different, I was 4 hours awaay home in the same country, but I had nobody to wait for me. Still I gor use to it, to my own life, my decitions, my freedom. Today you gave a big step, one wich I am so proud of. And also so delightful, thanks you for choosing this... I know it could sound weird but I feel nostalgic as well... because some how I feel like I did you decide this things unconciously. Of course I never intent to make u leave home. But yes to build a life with u. Your home will always be there mi amor, and we will go visit as often as we can ok :) and u can walys go back to ireland for a whole summer to just chill and feel urself... Im always here to support you!!... In november, we're starting th etramit for my visa to europe, so that way we can may be go and live there, so ur not far away and i dont feel like a kidnaper! hahah just kidding, but yeah bby :) we can always go back to ireland te amo hermosa!!! <3

  2. mi amor thanks you for your support and mi amor we can stay in mexico for as long as we like my nostalgia has passed hahah!! and bby you didnt make me make this decision it was a coupled decision but i said yes which is the most important part and damn i am excited to go and be there in the city with my princess!! hell yes"!!! te amo mi bby <3
