Thursday 31 March 2011


Today I floated around feeling lighter than a feather. The relief of knowing that are ok and that you are happy just makes everything so much better.
To see you smile send my heart soaring and my mood improves instantly. You are the sunshine of my life and I think that these past two days have been such a positive experience for both of us and that also, if this is possible, has strengthened our relationship and made us both trust each other and value each other even more than we already did. For me it also showed that nothing for us needs to be a major issue, we are capable of tackling anything that comes along and I am proud of us for that also.
We are embarking on such an epic adventure and I think we are lucky that we made up our minds about the city before we had rushed into being there straight away!
I love you so much and thank you for being you.


happy joy!!!

happy happy joy joy!!! cant say anymore!!! after a 3 day breakdown, mystuburness and pride, finally I gave up to the feet of my princes and her kind advises,,, your love saved me, once again!!!

J. Mount!!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Mi hermosa...

Turns out today was better.
Resolution reached.
Happiness returned.
A smile on my angels face.
Everything in its right place.

I love you.

D. Mount

Tuesday 29 March 2011


Today I wandered on campus from class to class, I found my way to the library in a daze and took notes I have no recollection of. The day was grey and damp, the wind was mild but there was something chilling about it. The pathways were darkened by the rain and the world looked bleak. Today for the first time in a very long time I dreaded going to college, i felt afraid. As I sat by myself for two hours reading in a deserted hall way the feelings of loneliness which i had been fearing all weekend finally caught up with me.
I am used to having only my own company during college hours, my friedns are often absent and we take different classes this semester but when i am alone usually it is through my own choice, i make the decision to sit by myself to wander to the library or to the shop by myself but today I felt lonely because this solitude was not self inflicted. I have been isolated, forgotten about, put to one side, in favour of new people, who now count as friends and have taken my place and the feeling of being isolated at the hands of a friend is one which I do not like and one which causes me stress and upset.
Today I managed to shake it off because I knew the day was short and that soon I would be at home safe, where loneliness is virtually impossible.
I hope tomorrow the business of the day will distract me because loneliness is a terrible feeling, almost worse than physical pain, although I discovered today that research has shown that rejection causes the same reaction in the brain as physical pain so I guess today was just painful technically.
Tomorrow will be better.

D. Mount

Monday 28 March 2011

Too much Pride or Simply Prejudice?

'Prejudice comes from fear of the unknown...Since pre-history, humans have formed tribes and been wary of anyone who is different from them. Society has moved on faster than our instincts have evolved, so it takes effort for our brains to realise that just because someone is different, it does not mean they are a threat.' 
Dr. Rob Yeung

I came across this quote in an article entitled, 'Are we as tolerant as we believe?' in the March issue of 'Psychologies Magazine'. I read the article straight away as tolerance has never been one of my strong points, which is slightly ironic really. The article went on to give the details of several plays and books which are being released this year about the prejudices faced by various minorities in today's society; homosexual and racial intolerance primarily. Upon reading this article I could not help but think of my recent dalliances with texts in which prejudice is very prominent. 

The first of these texts is 'Persepolis' by Marjane Satrapi. 
Reading this graphic novel I was enthralled as two different prejudices were highlighted in such a way that to be shocked was inevitable. I read the detailed description of the introduction of a veil in Islamic countries to cover the heads, and in some cases bodies, of the female populations. This restriction was placed upon the author at the age of ten and nowadays is still in place. The author told various stories relating to the veil, the restrictions it placed upon her generation in terms of expressing themselves stylistically, in terms of liberty and freedom and how it did not stop gendered prejudices in her country, even when wearing a veil you were still subjected to the offensive eye of the men, whom you were wearing the veil for, to stop their arousal. making it clear that lookin is not an innocent act no matter how you are clothed or under what circumstances.
This gendered prejudice fed into the idea of racial prejudices. 

When Marjane Satrapi moved to Europe she was discriminated against by many for being Iranian and was 'othered' by the western society in which she lived. this brought to mind the idea that we are all to blame for the prejudices held in our society about Islamic people as we have a very strange view of them. This quote made it clear why us as a western society cannot understand them and so we 'other' them, the simple answer is fear, fear of an unknown culture, unknown people and unknown religions. 

This explanation of prejudice also ran into my reading of another graphic novel, 'Maus' by Art Speigelman which explores the historical memory of the Holocaust and its devastating effects. This mass genocide occurred because of racial intolerance and prejudice as ethnic cleansing was felt necessary to exterminate the Jewish people, as once again, they were different and so were feared. this historical moment of the Holocaust and the realisation of the prejudice behind it was shocking as it made me realise that as a race we are constantly being prejudice against somebody for something, it may be minute or immense, but it is a prejudice never the less.i 

The afore mentioned issues are on a wide scale but even in my own life I am subject to prejudice because am part of a minority group with it society because I am a lesbian. This prejudice is very much a case of fear of the unknown and a violent or hurtful outburst against it and my subsequent 'othering'. In the article there were three plays listed dealing with the destruction of lives because of homosexual prejudices. it is shocking to say that even in todays society we still have such prejudices in existence. In my own country my partnership with my fiancée is not recognised because we are a same sex couple. It is not unusual for gay people to be subject to prejudice especially gay men as it is seen as going against nature and reacted against so violently out of total fear of the unknown

In todays society we are all living such busy lives, we are living through technology and I think that we have stunted our emotional growth and capability to understand and accept difference because of this. We are all so busy living through out phone and computers that we have almost become blind sighted to the social and cultural developments happening around us so when we lift our heads for the screens we are shocked and perhaps a little fearful as society is changing so much around us. 
Prejudices are something which have been in place for centuries but is it not time that we worked on combating them? 
Why is it these prejudices can remain in place when we have all advanced so far in the world? 
Why is that racial prejudice can still exist when we are a society of so many different types of people? 
How is it that the Islamic other can still be considered an 'other' 
How is that as a lesbian I am still discriminated against? 
How is that all of us, who are subject to prejudices, can be placed in a box, labelled as ' minorities', and treated as just that.

D. Mount

Proudly Different!!

This is apost for both os us and for the rest of th epeople in the world that has de guts to be different. Things are changing and they will do, we just need to believe!... Always be proud of who you are mi amor!!! I love you!!

My Hero so Far!! who cares about her orintation or sex... she had the guts to do it!
Lady Gaga- Born this way!
J. Mount

Sunday 27 March 2011


Dear Grandad,
                      This week was an emotional one as you were in our minds as Nana delivered your memory card to us all. You would really appreciate all of the thought that was put into it and you cannot begin to understand how much it means to each of us to have you with us, even if only on paper, with us all the time.
Today Nana came to our house for dinner, I think she goes for dinner almost every week to somebodies house, dont worry we are taking care of her!
While she was here she told us this morning how she saw you coming into the bedroom, which made me think that you are still there in the house with her, which I am grateful for because she misses you terribly, as we all do. I have to apolgise Grandad, I have not been to see you since I came home from mexico, I think I might be a little scared. I know that you never expected me to come home to say goodbye but i sometimes feel a little guilty, I think that might be what is stopping me from going to visit.
I am leaving Ireland on the third of June to move to mexico, I hope you will be proud, the twins are moving too, to London for college and Conor and Audeen are both doing to the leaving cert. I know you were so proud of us all and still are, where ever your are. I felt like writing to you to tell you all the news because this week your presence was felt by all of us, you were in our hearts and heads more than usual.
Oh before I forget, Ciaran is doing well, he is still fighting like a hero and is keeping the chin up and doing himself proud which i know you will be very glad to know. That is all the news for now Grandad, we miss you and we love you and we think of you everyday. Nana is great and we are there for her always.
I miss you Grandad and i love you.



happy Unbirthday!

Mi amor, today after the second bday celebration I feel rally good about myself and my age... that always happen to me, is rare, but a few day before Im complaining and then the day I turn years, well the new age just fits me like an icecram in a cone haha. What I mean is, I feel great! :D and very happy because I have a job interview wich I hope goes great!! :D because that will mean our pass back to one of the most amazing cities to live in the world!! :D I love you so much mi amor, thanks for making my unbirthday so so happy!! you are the best!!
Yours forever!


Today turned out to be a great day after all. I just enjoyed a fantastic evening with my family and even though you were not there physically you were there throughout the whole evening, mentioned in almost every conversation we were having. I felt so proud and lucky because for me that is the ultimate sign that my family are taking us seriously and that they support us as a couple which makes me feel great and very happy.
Your family are so supportive and show their love for both of us two, we are so fortunate, there are thousands of people who will never be who they truly are because they do not have a family network like ours to support them which is really sad, to think that the people who are supposed to love you most in this world may not be able to support your true self, so mi amor we are so lucky and today, more than ever I am so grateful for the love and support of both of our families!
I felt very emotional earlier thinking about moving and leaving home but bby tonight I realised that my family love me no matter what and although they will miss me they are proud of my for taking this step and taking my freedom in my hands and making the most of it. Sometimes you need to cry but right now I am smiling because we have our whole live ahead of us and with our love and determination and the dreams that we hold with conviction, we will go far and succeed. I am ending this day on such a positive note, feeling, loved, proud and blessed. Only 68 days until we are together again and I am full of excitement!! Imagining the sensation of being in your arms again makes me smile and feel infinite!
Te amo mi hermosa!!


Saturday 26 March 2011


 Mi amor, I am a goose ya but you are a gallinita!!!! hahaha n_n

i was thinking... goose doesnt mean Gallina! 
it means PATO, and Gallina is hen ¬ ¬ 

yes!!! I'm a BIG goose ya!!

hahahaha TE AMO!!!!
J. Mount

Ode to a Beautiful Princess...

Tell me your secrets, with me they will lie,
Until I depart from here to the sky,

Make me your lover, I'll cherish you dear,
Your lips your kisses, I want here and here,

Give me your hand, I will guide you through,
You tell me you love me, I know it is true,

Hold me tightly, don't ever let go,
This love is forever, this I know,

Look at me deeply, believe what you see,
My eyes filled with love, only you can see,

My heart is a chest, filled with you,
My mind is a secret place, you are there too,

My life is yours too now, lets enjoy it my love,
My love and my forever, we fit like a glove,

I love you forever, i will always be true,
There is no love better, than that between me and you.

Something short inspired by the deepening love I feel for you my darling, you are my heart, my soul my life and I love you.

p.s...the epic blog I promised is postponed until tomorrow ;) te amo!! <3

D. Mount

Friday 25 March 2011

Happy Beginnings!

I was watching the random film I post you the other day, and it made me think about the director and the autor of the story... and I though ''wow!! ppl is really sad these days!!''
SO i decided to make my own version of this films and call it Happy begginings!! because,,, why will something happy had to be the end??? fuck no!!! its a happy beginning!! like you and me!!! teamo mi amor so so much!!! :D thank you for today, every detail, every letter, every post, every word... you are beautiful and I just love you so so much!!!

YES!!!!  I DO!!!

the public answear to your petition!!! n_n

J. Mount

Thursday 24 March 2011

Your special day!

Twenty-four years ago on this very date, a beautiful princess was born into this world. She had ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes and it was obvious that she was going to be beautiful and a very special person,
Today that same princess is an accomplished, talented, intelligent and gorgeous girl with whom I have the fortune of sharing my life with.
She brings light to every life that she touches and has changed my life forever!When she smiles my heart skips a beat and I can hardly breath.

This is for you my beautiful!
I love you with all of my heart and I am celebrating this day because it is birthday of an angel.
Thank you for being you and for changing my world!

Te amo hermosa!!! I hope you enjoy this!! Sorry its a little slow its going as fast as it can :P

D. Mount.

Wednesdays of Cinema!

Mi amor, I dont know what to write hahah I suppose my brain is tired of all the talking today. It was fantastic, I had a rush of creativity and intelect. When I got home I started and finished a sells strategy for my mom. Im gonna start promoting het with schools, so she can have daily work and she can meks loads of money! :) Just for the satisfaction of helping!!! So well mi amor... haha I was just trying to think of what to post... mmm mmm hahah  so i just tought about our wednesday's tradition of cinema and here it is!

I haven't watch this but seems really interesting and romantic :) so we're watching it ok :D enjoy mi amor!! te amo..

"ten stories about the life and the possibilitys of finding happy endings"

TE AMO MUCHO HERMOSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Today talking to you about so many different topics I felt on top of the world!
we have such a rare thing, we are literally able to talk to each other about anything, from cats, to poopies, to stem cell research, to political corruption, to the weather! You name we can discuss it, which I think is fantastic!
I feel privileged to be able to share my thought with you and you with me and we are both so lucky because we are both very open minded generally and we take each others opinions seriously and discuss them without bias or prejudice.
We share so many things, our emotions, our bodies, our minds and our love and each day i find myself feeling more and more fortunate to have found you, my soul mate!
You are so intelligent and pensive and your ideas are so great, you sometimes leave me in awe of your statements. I love to converse with you and share ideas on any topic. We fit together so well from every aspect and i am lucky to have.

I know I am very early but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! You are the sun moon and stars for me and I am so delighted that the 24th of March exists because that day has given me the best gift of my entire life, you!!!

p.s this picture really made me what a cupcake!! te amo

D. Mount

Sirenas, Sirens, Sirènes, Sirene, صفارات الانذار, 警報器, サイレン , Сирены ...

The biggest mistery ever described by the human race. The supernatural euforia, the knowledge that is kept unknown, the facts, the proofs, the reality... what is all that about? Is the world as we concieve it, the real one? How can we find the thruth if we're been kept away, if we've been obligated to ignore? Is there some other reality?

I recent documental I found about ''mythical species'', apparently creations of an imaginary world, creations of the ''madness'', is just one of many scientific discoveries and revelations of missing pieces of thruth that remains yet... lost. By wondering this evening about the existence of the human race and our origins, I let my mind flew into a philosophical encounter between the ideas I have lerned to process as true, and the ideas that I have dared to even think as an alternative possibility.

Not all that you see is what it is... but, what do we really see? Is it the buildings or the clothes, the technology, the TV... Is that really what is out there, or is it just a well planified construction that belongs to the 1 per cent of people that owns  and controls the world???  A political conscecuence maybe?  the fasination for power?... or just the natural egocentrism of the human being... We are the puppets in this theater, but we are to blind and too scared to realize...

To not involve my head in more of  all the things I need to say, I will simplify this post and just present you a research that shows more than what you see... reading the context sometimes is more efficient than reading the actual sourse....

I hope you enjoy it mi amor!!! I love you so so much!!! :D

Oh fuck!!! its in spanish, I just notice!!...  oh well, good practice :D

J. Mount

Every cloud has a silver lining, and I have you.

When the grey clouds cover the blue of the morning sky, if you look hard enough you will find that ray of sunshine!

When things seems to be going wrong all day long, if you look hard enough you will find something worth smiling about.

When you fall and scrape your knee and the pain is too much, if you look hard enough you will find somebody to make you laugh though it all.

When you are feeling down and defeated, if you look to the one you love she will take you by the hand pull you up and kiss you and hug and tell you how proud you make her and suddenly all of these bad things will no longer matter.

You are my silver lining, my ray of sunshine, my happy moment during every day, you are the strength which keeps me going and you are the one who keeps me smiling.
I am so in love with you and I am privileged to have you by my side, I love you...

D. Mount

Tuesday 22 March 2011

you and me...

Just a simple detail mi amor! I will tell you my dreamt date tomorrow!!! yay!!! 

This is the love of me and you, the hapiness, the peace, the equilibrium, the glory, the joy, the beauty, all of this, means us... te amo!!! 

J. Mount

Monday 21 March 2011

Dream a little dream of me

Mi amor, tonight I have a task for you!!
Well it is more of a request, I am requesting your compnay on a dream date, I have taken care of all the planning you just have to meet me there and we will go from there!!
When you get into bed tonight you need to imagine all of these things and close your eyes and drift into a sweet sleep with them on your mind and with me in your heart.

1.Paris, to relive our adventure there, to drink coco, to feel the warm sun on our faces, to be free in a city of such amazing beauty, remember in dreams time, space & money are not an issue so we can go anywhere and see anything with no limitations!!

2. New York, to see the bright lights at night time, to go to a Broadway show, to experience the buzz during the day of walking through one of the busiest cities in the world and taking in all of the energy of this amazing city! we will see everything there is to see and feel such amazing freedom, we will make the city ours for a day!!

3. Bordeaux, after visiting New York it is fair to say we will be exhausted so I want to take you to one of the most beautiful cities i have ever been in in my entire life, Bordeaux. This city is filled with the most beautiful breathtaking architecture and it is so calm and relaxing, the streets are filled with French people speaking their amazing language and the warm sunshine feel so sweet against our skin. We can go and get some of the most delicious home made ice cream and then go to a park called St. Michel where we can picnic on the grass watching people enjoying the simple pleasures in life. We can relax her and enjoy each other and the beauty of nature which surrounds us.

I know our dream date was short but I know your imagination will fill in all the gaps I left empty. When we meet tonight to go on our adventure be sure you kiss me as soon as you see me, I will be waiting with a red rose and my arms open waiting for you to run into them.
I love you bby.

D. Mount

ft ft ft....

Its a kitty cat day!!  :D just because Is too cute! so here it is mi amor!! some cute kitti cats like us!! yay!! n_n
I love you mi amor!!!
hahaha this is almost romanticWTF!!
hahah another weirdo!
aw.. a cutie!
aw the last cutie!


Sunday 20 March 2011

La práctica hace al maestro...

Mi amor just a little something for you, I hope it is ok I wrote it all myself with a little help from an amazing Spanish dictionary my mom bought for all of us. I know it probably is not perfect but I just wrote it like I thought it should sound!
I love you so much mi amor!

D. Mount

Bajo la misma luna...

So mi amor, I promised you this film so here it is. I hope you enjoy it, it is very interesting. Watch it today in your break from your essay :) or as a price for finishing it.
I love you with all my heart!

J. Mount

Saturday 19 March 2011

The Art of Reading.

I love to read, books are a place of adventure, a place of safety, a place where I can be completely consumed by a fictitious world and submerge myself completely within the world which the author is created.
I identify with the characters, live through their stories, feel their feeling and experience their story with them through the pages of a book.
Today I decided to read something different to go online and read some of the news pieces, the jobs section, the entertainment headlines and some random articles which is when I came across this, some thing completely random which reminded me of how easily the lines of reality and fiction can be blurred. This article shows a new  real life dwelling which is emerging but was previously the dwelling of mythical creatures in fairy tales such as Peter Pan or in animated films such as Tarzan.
It is funny that you can find similar aspects of a piece of fiction as you can in real life articles. I guess is just proves that we are living in a sort of fiction and that all fiction is really based on the reality which surrounds the author creating it.

I also came across this article which I thought was kewl, really it just reminded me of you, it reminded me of how much we have to see and how lucky we are to both be willing to travel and to share the passion for discovering the world and all it has to offer and to do it with somebody by our side, enjoying all of your adventures with you. Of course we have many more cities to see but some of these cities are very kewl!

I hope you enjoy these, just a little bit of randomness, something a little different :)
I love you so much, and I cannot wait to see the world with you

D. Mount

the city...

Just a little memory for you!! :D I love you bby!!



Friday 18 March 2011


This evening after more drama than I had anticipated I finally booked my ticket to Mexico in June.
At the time I was feeling exhausted from the booking of the ticket but now I have recuperated and recovered my senses and regained control of my head, which I thought was going to explode!
I am sitting here in my room, my safe place, my little piece of the world and I am feeling rather nostalgic.
I am so excited to be in mexico again, it is my second home, it is where you are, my heart and it is a land full of new adventures for us together!
I cannot wait to learn a new language, learn more of the culture, live in a big city, experience my life freely with you by my side. But with all these feelings of joy, excitement and love I am also a little frightened, a little nervous and a little sad to be leaving my family even though I know I will be in perfect once I get there.
I guess these are all just normal feeling when you are moving out of home for the first time.
I am ready to embark on a new adventure, to see the world and for us to experience every thing it has to offer!
You are my sun, moon and stars and this journey is worth it because my destination is your arms but with every new adventure comes a stream of memories and a nostalgic air which can be almost as overwhelming as the feeling of exultation.
I love you, thank you for all your amazing support. <3

D. Mount

Folklor Mexicano

Dani hermosa, tan bella como una rosa., tan transparente como el cristal, tan fina como el oro, than intrigante como el sol y la luna, tan llena de pureza. Con tus maneras y tu talento mueves mi intelecto y me llenas de placer. Con tu sonrisa de viento,  me robas el aliento y me impulsas a crear... Te amo con cada parte, y fibra errante de mi cuerpo. Con cada palabra y pensamiento, con mi ser y mi alma, con dicha y gracia. Te amo mi hermosa y bella rosa, te amo!


Thursday 17 March 2011


Have you ever wondered how many thoughts go through our heads on any given day?
How many times we think of some thing completely new and how many times we revisit an old idea?
Have you ever counted the amount of times you think about a specific thing, like food, money, the weather?

My mind is often full of thoughts, of normal everyday things, of new ideas and experiments, of artistic and creative plans, but mainly my mind is consumed with thoughts of you.
Thousands of thoughts can enter my brain in any given day some linger for a while linger than normal, others are just fleeting thoughts which enter and quickly diffuse  into the unknown coils of my brain, however none of these thoughts are ever there for as long or are as prominent as my thoughts of you. Your name is whispered in the corridors of my brain and echoes through the chambers of my heart, constantly throughout the day. I see your name when I close my eyes and I can feel your touch when I slow my body down and focus on my thoughts of you. You have captures my heart it is yours forever, you have attached your soul with mine and you have become the only thing which is on my mind all day long and I love it!!!
I love you to be able to have you with you in my mind constantly, the images of us, the memories, the sound of your voice! i am so lucky to have you and i treasure you always. I love you beautiful, you are always on my mind.

One fine day...

So today after almost one months of insisting, i finally got the interview I was expecting... its was a long trip for just 20 minutes of chatting. Anyway, I have to go back for a rehersal shaw, to see how is like and then have a 2nd short chat. It sounds like a yes for me. Now after having th emost delicious quesadillas qith my mom's red spycie souse... I can go and rest peacefully in my bed... Im very tired. I have forgotten how it is to walk around the city the whole day... remember D??? that 1st week in the city last summer?? gosh!!  hahahah... I love you mi amor. Pretty much to hear ur voice early in the morning made my whole day went good!... SO I wanna thank you!. I can't waitto talk to you tomorrow!! and maybe skype for a while if u want n_n

Always yours.... I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!

J. Mount

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Love, an international language.

My friend recently made a statement which sounded to me as though it had been quoted directly from a novel of Jane Austen; "they say college will get you your MRS..." followed by a statement which was less elegant.
We had been discussing the impending end of our undergraduate careers in college and speculating as to what life held for us beyond the sphere of university. She had stated an interest in continuing her studies in journalism or editing and I had told her of my emigration to begin my life with my sweetheart.
My statement aroused this sudden outburst of frustration and perhaps a little anger. My friend, it is safe to say, is a hopeless romantic who as of late had lost her faith in the existence of love of of her prince charming.
I find this loss of faith rather say as there are so few true romantic souls left in this world. When thinking of my romantic friend I immediately make a comparison between her and my close friend S.
S is less of a romantic but is searching for exactly the same outcome as D, the lustful, whimsical romance with the  ultimate outcome being a husband, a nice house, a nice lifestyle and kids. the difference between these two outcome is the presence of love in one scenario and the lack of it in the other.
Again drawing on the genius of Jane Austen and her works, I can only describe my romantic friend D as being a Elizabeth Bennett of sorts and S being more of a Miss. Bingley.
Elizabeth Bennett believed in marriage through affection, not arrangement, not for the social or economical gain which a good match would inevitably bring with it.
Nowadays we live in a world where we are free, in most cases, to pick our beloved, to marry because of love and live our lives as we please. So why is it that so many marriages fail?
Why is that so many people settle for second best?
is it a lack of romantic souls or a lack of romantic determination?
A lack of drive or a feeling of weariness when it comes to finding the one?
i hope it is the latter and not the death of the hopeless romantics as our art, our literature or film are all built on the foundation of love and stories of true love, we all search for the one and some of us are lucky enough to find it. I hope the hopeless romantics remain among us and do not give up just yet as the gift of love, giving it, receiving it, sharing it, is a gift which every person should experience in their lives. It is a feeling, an emotion which can consume you, change your world and alter how you see everything around you. it is a true blessing and one which will be kept alive for many centuries to come by the belief of mankind in the power of love or at least the hope of one day having it.

D. Mount


Like the eco of my voice in a canyon, our love is reflected into each other and our lifes... my ways had change, my voice had change, my face had change, my body had change, my life, my goals, my mind... you have changed me in every possible and possitive way. Those words that your mouth spoke without thinking today... were lies... you are an incredible person, possitivee, optimistic despite all, genuine, beautiful!!! Everyone gets moods!!! hell I have them every 24 days that i have mi period!!! hahaha oh well! yes mi amor, the tone of this post just changed from poetic to a casual conversation, but bby this is the best way I can let you know my feeling... I love you Im devoted to you, I admire you. and that's all... this tiem is me who's gonna ask to forget about everything.... please????? is not worth it. Our love on th eother hand... is worth it!!! te amo mi amor!! eres lo maximo!! lo mejor de mi vida!!! <3

J. Mount

Tuesday 15 March 2011


The three most basic yet effective words; I love you...<3

D. Mount

When the Poet speaks...

And just like an injection of heroin a thought of you can make me switch, a word, a picture, a hug, a kiss...
No matter where I am or what I do, it works the same. The feeling that invades my chest is almost celestial if that    is possible, if heaven wasn't a myth, you will be my heaven, the closest thing to God I could ever be. I believe in what you say, I fully trust you.  Like a mistaken chemist, sometimea I react, but thatis part of  my process of been stable, wich I want to apologize for. It's not your fault, it's ours. Is not your improvement, is ours. I am learning with you adn just like Plath and you I came from a deep abism. But we were strong and decisive enough to comprenhen that we deserved more. And here we are, out of the abism, far from the edge. Apart from myself, you are the one you know me the best. You understand my thoughts, my calls for attention and the way my emotions work. Thank you for everyday that we had to arguee and you didn't leave of let me leave. From any person I could've met, you are the one, the best, the last. I love you with every heart beat, with every thought. Like the nature needs the sun to survive, I need you. Like the bee wants the best flower, I want you. Like a husband love his wife, I love you. There  is something special called love that unified us. My only job with you is to love you, the way you are, the way you think, and the way you act. Just like you do with me. And to have found a person that is willing to compromised this much is the biggest blessinganybody could have. I am one of the lucky ones, because I found you. With this I want to say, I'm sorry and thank you for always been with me. I love you the way you are just like you love me too and that is more than perfect for me. Thanks for today, it made me realize many things in wich I was mistaken. I can't wait to move  together, is my most important goal. Thanks for giving that important step with me.
I am forever yours.


Monday 14 March 2011

'If I could bleed, or sleep.'

Poppies in July

Little poppies, little hell flames,
Do you do no harm?

You flicker. I cannot touch you.
I put my hands among the flames. Nothing burns.

And it exhausts me to watch you
Flickering like that, wrinkly and clear red, like the skin of a mouth.

A mouth just bloodied,
Little bloody skirts!

There are fumes that I cannot touch.
Where are your opiates, your nauseous capsules?

If I could bleed or sleep!
If my mouth could marry a hurt like that!

Or your liquors seep to me, in this glass capsule,
Dulling and stilling.

But colorless. Colorless.

Sylvia Plath

I first read this poem three years ago sitting in a class room, staring blankly out the window at the rain with was making the window difficult to see through. We had been in the class for five minuets listening to the teacher give out about homework which had not been handed up, the usual. Then she began to introduce the next poet we would be studying, Sylvia Plath. her reputation was one which was known to me, she was a fantastic female poet who had suffered through out her life from bouts of cripling depression. She had made the decision to end her life at the age of 31 and left behind her a mirage of cryptic, disturbingly brilliant work.

She was not welcomed favourably amongst the class and my teacher had placed an emphasis on the feminist side of her work so instantly the boys in the class disliked her for being a moany woman, the girls felt a similar dislike, all straight and not at all inclind towards feminist thinking. I however was intrigued instantly. I took down every word my teacher said about Plath. I listened tenatively. I was fascinated that the things which Plath felt, even in the grips of depression she had managed to place into words, in the form of poetry on a page to be read by the world. Her poetry spoke to me in a dark time of my life and the above poem was my favourite, for the simple line "if i could bleed or sleep"

That single line summed up my entire world at that time, I was sleeping for 4 hours a night if I was lucky, and bleeding through self destruction was my only way to feel, to know I still existed. I had grown tired of the world and its bullshit and this poetry became my new obsession, I learned the quotes, wrote the essays and for the first time gave my opinion in class, and was then attacked by the boys who disliked always what I had to say.

In Sylvia Plath's poetry I had found myself. Reading it now I feel very different towards the words which represent a troubled and darkened mind. I read the feelings, the lines with a feeling of sympathy as I feel the feelings of desperation she must have felt. I read these lines now and find in them not a solace or a place of release, I see them as deep caves of sadness. Between the lines of these poems there lies horendeous cries for help, cries for attention, cries for escape. Escape from the blackness which enveloped her. I once shared in that blackness but have since been released from it into you arms.

Sylvia Plath ended her life because she could not stand to be on this earth any longer, a shocking and desperately sad revelation. I once identified with these poems because I was feeling rather lost in this world too, I now read these poems and they evoke sadness and fascination as Plath demonstrates her deep knowledge of her mind and how it worked yet still she could not defeat it, she could not over come it and I am releaved and blessed in the knowledge that I was lucky and over came my mind, its darkness and avoided meeting the same end as this fatastic poet.

You had a large influence in my staying on the right path, you are my destination, you are my muse, you are the person i strive to be better for. I Know i still have many faults which are troublesome on occasion but I am trying my hardest to work around those faults, to fix them. I want to share these feeling with you today and how I felt when i first read this poem because I want you to be able to believe in my ability to progress I want you to be able to trust in my words and trust in me when I say I will be better I will try harder. you make me unbelievably happy and I know I make you happy too. I adore you and I love my life with you and i cherish you, all of you, every detail about you I cherish and I just want to make you happy. I want to love you as much as is possible!! I want to make you laugh and make you smile! I want to kiss you and make you feel something deep intense, I want to be by your side through all of the trials and tribulations life might throw at us and I want to hold your hand through the great times and though the days which might be hard.
I love you with all my heart and I am forever yours.

D. Mount.

Just a post...

Mi amor sowy, im so tired, but im here posting u something, and i can't think about anything so i decided to post you my favourite song from the film MULAN, I hope you enjoy it bby! is pretty good actually! i love you!

J. Mount

Sunday 13 March 2011

Eres mi familia

You are my family, you are my life, you are my heart, you are my everything.

I am so lucky, we are so lucky, actually we are not lucky we are just destined to be together.

I am ready, you are ready, soon we will be married.

Your beauty is breathtaking, your eyes light my soul, your

My heart beats, your heart beats, I feel you even though you are not here.

Your soft voice, your tender kiss, living in an eternal bliss.

To hold your hand, to sleep through the night, with you by my side.

I feel you, I touch you, I love you.

Thank you for being such a beautiful person inside and out, you have been a revolutionary influence in my life, you have changed my way of thinking, you have changed my heart, you have changed the world.
I feel safe in your arms and i know it is where I belong, you are my angel.
I love you, I am forever yours, always.

D. Mount

Even the cookies miss you!

Mi amor! Im so so tired, but I thought I should tell you before I go sleepies, 2 things.
Number one I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART! and Number two even the cookies know your're not there to bake them... they were a fail mi pingy do :C I dont know why, but the were sugar smashed rocks hahahaha aw!! u_u I miss mi pingy do to bake!!! Have fun with this picks... te amo :D

and also bby my cajeta thingys ended up like this :C how sad!!!

Te amo amor!!! cant waitto have you to help me bake hee hee, this bakary needed our love!
J. Mount

Saturday 12 March 2011

Falling into You.

Cuddled in bed,
thinking of you,
wishing to hold you.

Your soft skin,
the touch of your hand,
I'm in another land.

The feeling of love,
the feeling of trust,
you and I more than just lust.

You kiss me,
you touch me,
I am yours,
no need to utter a single word.

In dreams you come to me,
while we are apart,
you are forever in my heart.

Ten short weeks,
are all which remain,
until you and I are together again.

To run into your arms,
to take your hand,
it will be more that just grand.

So wait for me,
keep our love strong,
because I know for sure you are where I belong.

I love you with all of my heart.

D. Mount


Nuestro amor es como una tarde en Paris, como un amanecer en la playa.
Nuestro amor es como la briza de verano, como el fresco de la mañana,
Es el calor que nos irradia, es el dia, es el sol, es la calma.
Así es nuestra vida, llena de magia y alegría...
así es nuestro amor, puro y sincero desde el corazón...

Just a little poem :) I hope u liked it mi amor!! I LOVE YOU



These past few days I have been revisiting an obsession with the great master of words and music Mr. Leonard Cohen. His lyrics are genius, sometimes so simple they are beyond complex, words which touch the heart, exercise the mind and have the power to move entire audiences.
Watching and listening to songs in these past few days I was transported back in time to July 2009 when I went to see Mr. Cohen in concert, it is the one and only time I have been moved to tears by a concert. A combination of factors made my tears escape, fascination with the lyrics and the music, the charismatic performance and the sheer brilliance of the art which was being produced.

So now I am sharing it with you, it takes a little while to get used to the sound but his work is extensive and tells the tales of love, politics and human kind. I hope you enjoy it.
I love you.

D. Mount

Friday 11 March 2011


The dark of the midnight allow me to apreciate the light of the moon and its beauty... Is the same with the sark of the past. I am so so happy that I can share it with others, the smiles, the good vine, the jokes, the tranquility. All of this qualities that you have help me developed just with the sweetness of you heart are a huge difference for the ones around me.
I treasure you like the biggest diamond in earth and I'm commited with heart, soul and mind... all yours.... forever! <3

J. Mount


The dark of the midnight allow me to apreciate the light of the moon and its beauty... Is the same with the sark of the past. I am so so happy that I can share it with others, the smiles, the good vine, the jokes, the tranquility. All of this qualities that you have help me developed just with the sweetness of you heart are a huge difference for the ones around me.
I treasure you like the biggest diamond in earth and I'm commited with heart, soul and mind... all yours.... forever! <3

Thursday 10 March 2011

My light, my life, my love.

Once upon a time I was a lonely skeptical girl. I believed in love but never that somebody could love me.
I longed for somebody to love me, care , for me, desire me but in this longing i closed myself off, afraid to know love, to experience it , to share myself with somebody else. I was afraid to be so close to somebody that you could hear their heart beat, I was terrified to stand, lie be with somebody in the purest form, naked.  I was afraid to make the commitment of being somebody's other half.

Then you were sent into my life, like an angel from the stars and now I know what it is to experience, love, to feel the sunshine on my face, to feel the freedom of sharing my life with you. I am no longer afraid to love or to be loved because you have showed me what a blessing it is to have love in our lives, you have showed me deep love, affection, intimacy, kindness, generosity and every day you amaze me, you are my soul mate and it was destiny which brought us together,

You asked today where I saw my self in five years time and for the first time I can actually visualise my life in five years time, because now my life has a purpose and a direction, now I have you.

D. Mount

Te amo

Baby at this very moment in time, I am consumed only with thoughts of you!!
I am so deeply in love with you and I cannot wait to be with you already!!
Time is so short and we have passed through so much time apart already that the next 10 weeks will be nothing, they will pass so quickly!!

As I was wandering around campus today I saw a poster of Wall-e and it reminded me of you!! I loved that movie so much and Wall-e and Eva's love reminded me of you and me! Surviving through the most difficult circumstances and having a love true enough to, not only survive but to flourish and grow despite everything!!

I love you with all of my heart thank you for being the most amazing fiancée in the world!!


Wednesday 9 March 2011

Vamos al Cine!

Hola mi amor!! Como sabras, es hora de que comiences a practicar Español  :) y que mejor que una pelicula para eso!... Te hablé de esta pelicula en Navidad, es una de mis romanticas favoritas mexicanas :) es del 2002... Aqui sale Ximena la prima de Sari, antes de ser solista. Ella compuso varias canciones del soundtrack... Te dejo 2  links para que la veas... por si acaso uno no funciona

Te amo mi amor!! Disfrutala!!

J. Mount

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Tu y Yo

Today I began writing the story of us. I started from the very beginning and even writing it my tummy had butterflies and my heart skipped a beat, I could still feel all of the things o felt the very first day I saw you as the words appeared on the page before me.
It is amazing the profound effect that somebody who is your soul mate can have on your life, even when you have not yet realised they are your other half. It is almost surreal to say that before my life with you began I can barely remember how it felt not to have this love, this happiness, I can hardly imagine how it used to feel without you in my life.
I think this shows the process of assimilation and also it shows how we adapt to the circumstances which are best suited to us. We fit so well into our love and our love fits so well into our lives because we are meant to be, if we were not, we would not fit so well.
Luck, destiny, fate, call it what you will but the meeting of two hearts like our which belong together is above all most commonly known as magic. I love to share my life with you and i love the knowledge that I wil be sharing the rest of my life with you. Te amo mi amor, gracias por todo.

D. Mount


Dicen que cuando te sientes feliz, es mejor dibujar flores. Mi abuelo solía decir que una mujer es tan bella y delicada como la flor más hermosa. Sonaba cursi pero, ahora parece muy real. Es difícil encontrar una buena semilla que eche las mejores raíces. Pero si tienes mucha suerte y la encuentras, es mejor que la planstes de inmediato, no vaya a ser que no quiera florecer. 
Así es el amor tuyo y mio. Desde que nos vimos decidimos cultivar nuestro amor. Tú y yo solamente sabemos cómo es, lo que significa y lo intenso que se siente.
Hoy pensando en ti dibuje flores y te las quiero mostrar... Ojala te gusten.
Te amo mi amor!


Monday 7 March 2011

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we nearly there??

When we were children as soon as we got into the car and left the house we instantly wanted to know 'are we almost there?',even though there were 2 or 6 hours left in the journey.
When we were in school as soon as the first class was over we wanted to know, 'is it almost time to go home?'.
When you are studying or in work you are constantly watching the clock thinking 'oh god how long until I finish?'
We are constantly checking when it will be time, when we are going to reach our destinations. I must admit right now I am like the child in the car, I have been in the car now for almost 3 weeks and I still have just over ten to go until I reach my destination!!
Time is an illusion we all know this, as some hours pass in the blink of an eye and others pass by as slowly as sand trickling through an hour glass, we cannot stop time nor can we speed it up, we simply have to go with the flow of it.
Even though we still have 78 days to wait I am amazed by the fact that is is almost mid march already when I feel like it was only the 1st of march yesterday!! Time is constantly playing with our minds and because I am so focused on being with you in 78 days I have lost track of the dates and how quickly they are passing, which is rather extraordinary as I feel time is passing slowly in terms of days left for us to be together when really it is passing my so fast!!
78 days is nothing really and I just cannot wait to be in your arms again, so like a good child in the back of the car I will have some extra patience and wait until the 78 days have passed, keeping my self occupied with you through the miracle of internet.
Te amo


El sabio que cita el amor...

''El amor junta los cetros con los cayados; la grandeza con la bajeza; hace posible lo imposible; iguala diferentes estados y viene a ser poderoso como la muerte'' Don Quijote de la Manche.

Today I watched a beautiful film with my mom,  and we both cry. It's called ''The Student'' and as very simple as it seems gave me a big lesson, one I will never forget. Love is not just another thing, Love is the biggest bless the heaven could give you... The miracle of life and the joy of freedom. And love with you is the proof that something bigger than humans exist, because your an angel and that can't be human. This is the secong book I want you to read. ''Don Quijote de la Mancha'' and is one i will read as well. I love you with all of my heart! thank you for been the most beautiful soul and the most beautiful heart on the earth... Te amo!

Here is the link for it.

and also bby this is one of the most romantic scene of this anime soap I want to watch with you... candy

J. Mount

Sunday 6 March 2011

For my muse

Another one for our collection maybe?
Your beauty inspires these pictures, you are my muse and I adore you.
I cannot wait to embark on the adventure of Aurdi with you, we are going to make it, and we are going to show the world the power that we have with our music, our art and our love.
You are my heart, and to quote you; "our love is the song i listen to everyday"
Te amo mi amor, the beating of your heart keeps me in synch and the sound of your voice is the sweetest melody.



I look at myself to the mirror and see something I wished for my whole life... Tranquility, peace, happiness and beauty. I've always thought the eyes are the window of the soul like my gran always says and I believe is very true. Along with the facial features... the looking of the eyes reflects you past and present. Your inmediate feelings are discovered by your eyes and I dare to suggest that even ur most memorable experiences are showed in your face. In this blog all I intent to do is to show how much I've changed since I met you, since our love started to embrace my heart... Not precisly with photos but with drawings... I hope you like it  :)

 My lonely island... 2008

My lonely ''Yo'' 2004
 My heart... 2006

 My reason... 2010

                     My new filosophy... 2010      

My island again...2011

And all of these fabolous changes are thanks to you! I LOVE YOU!
Thanks for saving me angel.

J. Mount

Saturday 5 March 2011


Have you ever wished to feel a butterflies wing brush across your hand?
Have you ever wished to hold in your hand a cloud?
Have you ever wished to possess a star?
Have you ever wished to inhale the scent of pure fresh air and feel as though you light fly?
Have you ever wished to see some thing so beautiful it is imprinted upon your brain for ever more?
Have you ever wished to feel some thing so intensely that is completely consumes you?
Have you ever wished for the kiss of somebody to wake you from your night mare and grant you your happy ending?

For years a searched the dark night sky for the brightest star, the one which glittered most, the one which was mine to wish upon. Every night I wish for all of these things and longed for the universe to deliver them to me at some stage throughout my life. I expected a figure like the blue angel of Pinocchio to appear and grant me my wishes in a surreal fairy tale way, but I was mistaken, true wishes are delivered without you even noticing, they are delivered subtly and gently. 

My wishes were granted on a balmy September day in mexico city, unexpectedly and unannounced, there you were, all of my wishes embodied in one person and immediately I knew, all of my wishes had come true and I was one of the ones lucky enough to receive my wishes. 

I received my wish and now I have somebody to share my wishes with, somebody to laugh with, to smile with, to love, to hold, to kiss, now I have all of my wishes and I could not be happier, so deeply in love and so entirely happy, thank you for making all of my wishes come true. Now lets find the biggest star we can and start making our wishes together. 
Te amo <3
