Monday 9 May 2011

'What's the matter with the clothes im wearing??'

This morning whilst listening to the radio I was compelled to turn up the volume as I heard the phrase 'Slut Walk' coming across the airwaves. I listened as the presenter told the story of a police man in Toronto who told students in college that if young women wanted to avoid rape and sexual assault they should dress less provocatively. this statement obvious caused outrage and since then 'slut walks' have been taking place worldwide, with people marching protesting against this statement as it is extremely discriminating against women and also seems to advertise a sort of acceptance of rape and sexual assault, if the women was dressed in something regarded as being 'slutty; then she is to blame for her own rape.
I was outraged when i heard of this because it is an extreme statement to make, rape is a hideous crime which is very hidden from public view so we see only the cases which have other stories attached to them. If this officer had thought seriously about his statement before he said it he would have realised that the act of rape is never the fault of the women, if a women dresses provocatively she will of course draw male attention but my no means does this sanction the act of rape.
Also how does this statement account for the young women who are raped whilst walking in regular clothes, or whilst out exercising, after consuming a spiked drink in a bar, or whilst doing shopping late? The act of rape is carried out by the man and this statement seems to be to be giving the male offenders, a get out of jail free card.
This also brought to mind and issue which I recently addressed in an exam and the issue of veiling among females in eastern countries. Through the graphic novel Perseoplis we see how these women even when fully veiled are still watched by men, still treated as objects of sexual desire and I find it astonishing that this officer could make such a statement.
Rape is something which is not black and white, it has many grey areas including the mental state of the male offender, but never ever should a statement be made whereby the blame is placed on the victim.

D. Mount


  1. wow!!! facinating article! I totally agree with u!!! damn!! I want to kick that bastard's balls now!!! friken asshole!
    I love you bby!

  2. hahaahaha i know the cheeky fucker!!! how would he feel!!!! <3 i love you!!
