Sunday 8 May 2011

Romeo and Juliet... oh sorry! my bad... Dani and Jess!!

What intrigues me most of people is how incoherent they can be with the things they wish for in life.
One of my friends use to tell me that true love never hurts and he was sure that he had found the love of his life (this happened while he was still religious of course) but things changed once he got back to the regular non religious life. While we used to eat immense quantities of tacos from our favourite place, just 2 blocks away from the apartment, we often discussed about the unfair things in life, but most of all, we often discuss about love.
My friend and I lived together for almost a year. In that time I considered him as my best friend ever. A rough straight and typical Mexican guy who always talks about politics, football and women or better said, sex. I learned a lot out of  those chats. Things I would've probably never figured out myself, but it was good, you know... just for the knowledge.
While we were roomys and still in college we both used to have different perspectives about love. First of all because I was trapped in the worse relationship ever and second of all because he had been with this girl (now his wife) for almost 4 years.... even though in that moment they were having a "year off". Anyway, so we were both kind of VERY disappointed about love, and which is worse, we've gotten to the point of been indifferent to it.
So hurt and so hopeless, we use to see love just as a myth and of course, relationships.
Being a lesbian hanging out and chatting about boy things every night with him made me start to think as one. And no joke, after a year, I was shallow enough to not give a shit about anyone, specially not girls.
My friends (the good ones) were already established by years of honest friendship and goofy teenage moments, so the acquaintances I could make were enough, not only just for the laugh, but because well, I had to have somebody to hang out with... being in the biggest city in the country with all those great places to hang out and  "The Mexican city that never sleeps" tag on it, well!! I couldn't be a town girl anymore right?... So I left myself go into the world of material and superficial feelings... or better known as... empty relationships. And I don't mean exclusively love relationships, but all kind.
Going out every weekend, I had moments in which I felt lost if I was just at home on a Thursday night, when 2 years before that I didn't even know what a club was, ironic. Anyway, time passed and the most I was getting deep into that scenario, the worse I used to feel.
In one occasion, I locked myself for good 3 days and started reading through my old diaries. And looking over years of experiences (good and bad ones)  I found this page where I had written the resolutions for the new year ahead. The fist line was clear and precise " I want to find love".... So as it's typical of me, I left myself go into that line and got trapped for like an hour into that though. However, it worked. I realized that I was making the same mistakes over and over  and that when you want something, you have to look for it. Not like me, doing the complete opposite. I was scared I guess, very. But at the end of that night, after some tears, many packages of cookies and 3 hours of self consciousness about my present, I decided I was walking on the wrong side or the road, and I had to stop. It was one of those days in which you just can't hold your own soul anymore because it weights too much.  So I took my cool blue fluorescent backpack and fucked off to my mom's arms. As lame and nerd it could sound, they were until then, the best remedy for a sad day or a depressing time... in this case.
I talked to her about EVERYTHING, I remembered. And just by listening to me she gave me the strength to fix my way and change directions. I was then, completely sure of what I wanted. Something obvious but of course, one of my good qualities has never been common sense. What I wanted was true love. Yes! that typical thing women always look for in soup operas but yet, I wanted it. A happy ending, my own family, a home movie weekend and all those romantic things but the most important one... a best friend and a lover which I could share my life with.
After that weekend of self enlightening I went back to start my honest new endeavor that will lead me to that thing I had always wished for, happiness. I dedicate myself to college then, and as hard to believe as it can be, the best grades of my college life were in the last semester. I started acting instead of reacting to situations crossing on my way and just kept walking. With a fresh definition of love in my head and a heterosexual best male friend out of the house, I could start a new life.
The next months passed quickly as my last day of college was approaching. Finally almost 2 months before finishing, another friend, well... classmate, move in to my place. But that is another story. The remarkable point here is... that I had a goal in mind and I was making all the necessary to reach it.
And finally some weeks after finishing college and just a week before starting again with the music school (which is another story as well) I met you... I finally met you. By a simple coincidence if you want or by a universe miracle, I happened to be in the same place at the same time that you. And then the true love story begun. But I don't think I need to write about it right now, since you perfectly know how beautiful it was and how beautiful it is and how long this post have been. But I wanted to make sure you were liking this peace before I could continue, because the next chapter my love, is going to be written by you!
This could be the very start of our love story book don't you think? :) haha whatever the case I would still love for you to write your part, even just for us, because this things have to remain for eternity and we cannot waste our talents in lame things without writing about ourselves, as good artists we are, ego goes first, we always go first.

So mi amor, just to take your mind a little out of the essay cage and make you relax  :)
I hope you liked this.
I will see you early when I wake up. I love you with all of my heart!!! kikis ft ft ft

J. Mount

1 comment:

  1. i loved this!!!! thank you so much for this bby i will work on my part now since i did not see this earlier!!!! hahaha im so silly!! te amo!!!! <3
