Tuesday 17 May 2011

3 days...

hey amor, i finished  college today, i got paid and weare 3 days away from beeing together... im not gonna lie i havea lot of emotions. Maybe cuz Im a bout to have my period but also because I guess I worried a lot about ur confortness and safety, and of course ur happiness. Last time u were in Celaya we were on vacation having fun and just doing whatever, Now somwhow Im scared of how is it going to be. I dont want you to feel lost or abbandoned or out of place and it freaks me out :S I guess it will change once u are here and u will addapt to everything. I love you, but the least I want is you falling into a depression because u dont like it in here :C So mi amor.. lets make this whole change worth it and learn spanish the best u can, so we can leave in less that planned or u can addapt easier and feel less strange, or something, og gosh! Im so worried. Im sorry amor :C hormones... Oh well mi amor, I love you with all of my heart and I cant wait to see u. We'll figure out everything after the weekend te amo!

J. Mount

1 comment:

  1. mi hermosa, please relax, bby i cannot lie i am nervous about those things too but that is all part of the process of moving, and it will be fine :)i love you
