Friday 13 May 2011

Return of the Blog

Ahhh blogger makes a return, for a couple of days I was fearing for its safety, I worried it had been swallowed in to the endless abyss which is the internet....dun, dun, dun,....but here it is, it managed to break free from the deadly grasp of the world wide web and return triumphant only to be greeted with posts such as this one haha!
Clearly exams have driven me insane!!

I love you!!! This time next week I will be 6 hours away!!!!

p.s sorry this post is so short, my brain is asleep :P

D. Mount

1 comment:

  1. hhahaha clearly :P haha only joking amor!! hey we should save all of this info somewhere... I cannot trust light, tecnologi or anything... hmm we should print them!! paper is safer! :P I love u! 6 days
