Tuesday 17 May 2011

Documentary....yes, I did watch a documentary!!

This may give you the shock of your life but today I watched the best documentary!! I missed the start but I arrived in time to catch most of it, my dad was watching it and I was cooling down after my run and I decided to watch tv with him.
The first part was about the Hawaiian people who regard surfing as something sacred and are at one with the water and surf huge waves!! It showed a clip of an elite big wave surfer, these people come to Hawaii to surf in these waters surfing waves of up to 30 meters which is immense and terrifying!!
The next part showed this team of young Filipino guys who make there living by fishing, they deep sea dive to place huge nets under water but these guys dont have proper diving gear, they go down with a mask and a thin tube which has oxygen supplied through a compressor which is rusty and falling apart and could break at any moment causing the guys to die instantly! So they dive 40 meters below sea level and secure the net on stones, they then herd the fish into the net and end up in the net as well they then get out and guide the net slowly back to shore without coming up too fast and suffering from decompression syndrome, it was so fascinating to see these guys put their lives on the line to do this job which pays them barely enough to survive.
The next segment was the most fascinating, it was about a tribe who have adapted to live at the sea in huts in the middle of the ocean and on boats also, they rarely touch land! Any way there was a guy in this tribe called Soobline who is an underwater hunter. This guy every evening goes out to hunt his food, he sails out to the middle of the ocean and does a series of relaxation techniques focusing on breathing techniques to make sure he is totally calm he wont enter the water until he is, he then prepares his harpoon, take a final breath and gets into the water, he swims down 20 feet to the sea bed and starts to walk on the sea bed, at this point and with the pressure of the water it is almost impossible to keep your body weighed down and the amount of air your lungs can hold is only one third of its normal capacity but this guy stays on the sea bed, he eventually catches a fish and then he makes his way back up slowly after being under water for 2 and a half mins, but he can and has stayed underwater for up to 5 mins!!
I couldn't find the actual documentary but I found the page about it and the second link is a youtube clip of the part with the guy how hunts underwater!!
Hope you enjoy it mi amor!
I love you so much.



D. Mount


  1. Hahaha ok... this is way too weird!!.. two days ago I watched that documentary (about this ppl who live in de middle of the sea) and the way this guys hunt fishes insie the water... and how they walk as if i was land. Wow haha.. :P connection, or global TV... see mi amor, watching documentaries kud be kool after all x) Hey te amo!! thanks for this!

  2. haha damn it!!! i wanted to impress you with my documentary watching...fail!! oh well bby, te amo
