Monday 16 May 2011

End of an Era...

Today I finished college, as I placed my pen on the table and handed up my script I could hardly believe it, as I walked across campus i could not comprehend the fact that I wont be back on that campus again for classes or exams or seminars! After three years of commuting to one place everyday during the week and handing in essays, writing exams, attending lectures it is hard to believe that just like that in the space of  a few minuets that place is no longer a part of your life.
It still had not registered with me that I am free from college, that I did it, I completed it, but I have, I did it and i am delighted.
The highlights of my freedom so far has been the simple action of buying a book. This is was such an exercising of my new found freedom as this is one of the first books that I will read in almost three years that I will not have to analyse, or mark pages for reference, or write an essay on, or memorize for an exam, this book is just for me, to read and enjoy and take me time with, not have to rush towards a deadline and that for me is such a great sense of freedom.
I am glad that i stayed and that i finished it, I'm proud of myself for doing it and thankful for everybody who inspired me to keep going, I do not regret staying there as I have learned a lot about myself, what I like, how I work, the type of person that I am and I have gained so many skills both academic and emotional!
Now I have completed it and I'm so happy, now only three more days and I will be back in your arms.
I love you

D. Mount

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