Monday 23 May 2011

Together Again

After three months of waiting, we are finally back together. The happiness I felt when I saw you at the airport was immense and my heart skipped a beat.
This weekend was amazing, even if I was exhausted, to be able to look you in the eyes and tell you I love you, to sleep next to you, to have you right there beside me to talk to, hold hands with, share every minute with, was amazing and now we are home and I have officially moved in, which is beyond amazing!!
I am soo happy and delighted to be here and the move was completely worth it, this happiness is worth more than anything else in the world and being with you everyday is amazing!!!
I love you so much!
thank you for the support and for being so amazing.

D. Mount

Friday 20 May 2011

Making HIstory!!

What a crazy yet amazing last day in Ireland!
First waving at the Queen and getting a perfect view of her from so near,
Then and excellent lunch with my family and Shaz,
Then a bonding moment between my relatives and I.

I have finally finished packing and I am sure there are so many things I have forgotten but I can get my mom to send the things I really need which I think is nothing!

I cannot wait to see you tomorrow!! my sunshine!!!
I love you bby so much!!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Peek ah Boo!!

WHO ARE YOU!!!!??????????????????????/
I'M your bestest dingilly do!!!

Hahaha :D tired and death brain :P

I love you amor!! one day!


Wednesday 18 May 2011

History in the Making.

This evening I watched as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England began her key note speech in Dublin castle in Irish. She began with the line, 'Uachtarán agus a cairde', in English, President and friends, she followed this bold and historic statement with a speech which was hopeful, inspiring and an honor to watch, as was the speech given by our own President.
To watch as the Queen makes are journey around Dublin City and tomorrow comes to my home town I am proud to be Irish and I am proud to see how far we have come and the progress we , as a country have made. Both the Queen and the President in their speeches spoke about cultural and economic unity between Ireland and the Untied Kingdom but above all both of these powerful female figures stressed the point of equality between the two states, something which would have been unheard of so many years ago.
the Queen extended her sympathies to the families of those who fought for England in the first world war and also to those who died fighting for independence this showed a recognition of the significance of this visit and also an understanding of how much we sacrificed for our country.
Today I watched as history was made right in front of my eyes as the Queen spoke words of friendship in a language which was once condemned by our English colonizers, these past few days are a turning point in relations between Ireland and Great Britain. I know it will not solve the problems of the conflict between north and south but the first step of Queen Elizabeth on Irish soil yesterday was a step forward into the future where perhaps the troubles could be solved and Ireland could be a peaceful nation once again.

D. Mount

2 days!!

Mi amor, we are 2 days appart officially! x) well 3 but friday doesnt really count! :P
Im super exited and Im getting everything ready! :D I booked the hotel already!, is kool for the price, and is very close to reforma wich is grand, and also the check out is at 1pm :P so we have time to go and have breakfast on saturday and then come back for the luggage. I love you with all of my heat mi amor!! x) and Im so exited to be with u again, to feel u again , to have u in person again!
I have a bussy to last days mi amor :P just like u im pretty sure :D I  have to wash and clean the room so u love it and also make a little lugagge for the weekend... I cant wait to see u!! x) Oh Gosh!! butterflys in my tum tum...
Ok mi amor, I hope u had a good night and that u have a fantastic day today ok :D enjoy it so much!!! see u on friday :**:

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Documentary....yes, I did watch a documentary!!

This may give you the shock of your life but today I watched the best documentary!! I missed the start but I arrived in time to catch most of it, my dad was watching it and I was cooling down after my run and I decided to watch tv with him.
The first part was about the Hawaiian people who regard surfing as something sacred and are at one with the water and surf huge waves!! It showed a clip of an elite big wave surfer, these people come to Hawaii to surf in these waters surfing waves of up to 30 meters which is immense and terrifying!!
The next part showed this team of young Filipino guys who make there living by fishing, they deep sea dive to place huge nets under water but these guys dont have proper diving gear, they go down with a mask and a thin tube which has oxygen supplied through a compressor which is rusty and falling apart and could break at any moment causing the guys to die instantly! So they dive 40 meters below sea level and secure the net on stones, they then herd the fish into the net and end up in the net as well they then get out and guide the net slowly back to shore without coming up too fast and suffering from decompression syndrome, it was so fascinating to see these guys put their lives on the line to do this job which pays them barely enough to survive.
The next segment was the most fascinating, it was about a tribe who have adapted to live at the sea in huts in the middle of the ocean and on boats also, they rarely touch land! Any way there was a guy in this tribe called Soobline who is an underwater hunter. This guy every evening goes out to hunt his food, he sails out to the middle of the ocean and does a series of relaxation techniques focusing on breathing techniques to make sure he is totally calm he wont enter the water until he is, he then prepares his harpoon, take a final breath and gets into the water, he swims down 20 feet to the sea bed and starts to walk on the sea bed, at this point and with the pressure of the water it is almost impossible to keep your body weighed down and the amount of air your lungs can hold is only one third of its normal capacity but this guy stays on the sea bed, he eventually catches a fish and then he makes his way back up slowly after being under water for 2 and a half mins, but he can and has stayed underwater for up to 5 mins!!
I couldn't find the actual documentary but I found the page about it and the second link is a youtube clip of the part with the guy how hunts underwater!!
Hope you enjoy it mi amor!
I love you so much.

D. Mount

3 days...

hey amor, i finished  college today, i got paid and weare 3 days away from beeing together... im not gonna lie i havea lot of emotions. Maybe cuz Im a bout to have my period but also because I guess I worried a lot about ur confortness and safety, and of course ur happiness. Last time u were in Celaya we were on vacation having fun and just doing whatever, Now somwhow Im scared of how is it going to be. I dont want you to feel lost or abbandoned or out of place and it freaks me out :S I guess it will change once u are here and u will addapt to everything. I love you, but the least I want is you falling into a depression because u dont like it in here :C So mi amor.. lets make this whole change worth it and learn spanish the best u can, so we can leave in less that planned or u can addapt easier and feel less strange, or something, og gosh! Im so worried. Im sorry amor :C hormones... Oh well mi amor, I love you with all of my heart and I cant wait to see u. We'll figure out everything after the weekend te amo!

J. Mount

Monday 16 May 2011

End of an Era...

Today I finished college, as I placed my pen on the table and handed up my script I could hardly believe it, as I walked across campus i could not comprehend the fact that I wont be back on that campus again for classes or exams or seminars! After three years of commuting to one place everyday during the week and handing in essays, writing exams, attending lectures it is hard to believe that just like that in the space of  a few minuets that place is no longer a part of your life.
It still had not registered with me that I am free from college, that I did it, I completed it, but I have, I did it and i am delighted.
The highlights of my freedom so far has been the simple action of buying a book. This is was such an exercising of my new found freedom as this is one of the first books that I will read in almost three years that I will not have to analyse, or mark pages for reference, or write an essay on, or memorize for an exam, this book is just for me, to read and enjoy and take me time with, not have to rush towards a deadline and that for me is such a great sense of freedom.
I am glad that i stayed and that i finished it, I'm proud of myself for doing it and thankful for everybody who inspired me to keep going, I do not regret staying there as I have learned a lot about myself, what I like, how I work, the type of person that I am and I have gained so many skills both academic and emotional!
Now I have completed it and I'm so happy, now only three more days and I will be back in your arms.
I love you

D. Mount


Yes you did it!!! You didn't know how or even why, but u did it! and I am.... completely gratefull with life for gave you this big opportunity wich is college and very proud of you for taking the tremendous ride!...

Graduate: someone who has been awarded a degree by a university or college.

We havea bright future :D trust me!
I love you mi amor!!! and congratulations!!


Sunday 15 May 2011

I Love You

Isn't it amazing ,

The things which a seeing eye can see,

The things which a hearing ear can hear,

The things which a beating heart can feel,

It is amazing the effect that a growing love can have on you,

One like that which we share,

Watch my heart grow as your happiness surrounds it,

I love you

D. Mount

Lack of BRAIN!...

Hahah bby so Im pretty much like you, the think is that I have lost routine kind of.. so my brain is kinda dry... I need to get a proper system again, but we well build a brand new one when u arrive! x)Te amo mi amor so much!! and  well... I better go before I type I love you 1000 times because I don't know what else to say :P but that is the only certain thing I have! so :D I LOVE YOU AMOR! forgive my lack of brain


Saturday 14 May 2011


Mi amor, due to pouring my brain out onto a total of 15 pages through exams in the last two days I am slightly brain dead! I am watching the Eurovision song contest, the voting of the winner is pretty much like watching a map of the political alliances of Europe which is so annoying because it is not about the music and we are totally left out because we are a tiny island on the very outside of Europe. Oh well I suppose that is how things go!!
Mi amor I enjoyed our chat on the phone so much, I am so comfortable with you and I trust you so much, I can say to you things which i cannot say to anybody else, you are just my angel!
I cannot wait to be in your arms again, to kiss you and hug you!!! Sooooo excited!!!!



Techno Music!!!.... Club club!!!

Well.... I've been listening to countless songs for a bout one hour and cant find a good beat... well at least not a good one as sexy bitch! or any Guetta's one... that fucker!!! I love his music...  SO I was only thinking random things such as the power of techno or electronic music to make us feel in an emotional rush... hyper! sexy, horney... it makes us feel all this emotions that we can just go crazy and believe we are the queens of sexyland haha... somehow this music is a bless... well... haha sometimes we need it! :P to cheer ourselves up! And mi amor I cant wait to dance as a crazy person with you x) yay!! 6 days bby!! can u believe it... almost 5 already! :P hahaha... so well mi amor, Im leaving u this song, the best I could fin... te amo!!!


ok amor.... still coulnt find it :C kkis

Friday 13 May 2011

Return of the Blog

Ahhh blogger makes a return, for a couple of days I was fearing for its safety, I worried it had been swallowed in to the endless abyss which is the internet....dun, dun, dun,....but here it is, it managed to break free from the deadly grasp of the world wide web and return triumphant only to be greeted with posts such as this one haha!
Clearly exams have driven me insane!!

I love you!!! This time next week I will be 6 hours away!!!!

p.s sorry this post is so short, my brain is asleep :P

D. Mount

Thursday 12 May 2011


Yes!! I have it! again!! Insomnia is attacking. I guess because Im kind of loosing my routine. I need to get back. Can´t live like this. Anyway amor... I ws thinking about this word and I remembered there was a tv show here call Insomnia, and it used to be played at this hour ish every friday I think. It was about the oddest adds in the world... So I thought to post u some to get out of the routine hahaha...talking about it... I hope u enjoy them amor! I love you kikis!!

J. Mount

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Many Seasons in one day!!!

Have you ever noticed how much the weather effects us??
Today here it was cloudy, wet, with small patches of sunshine, the wind was wild and it was pretty miserable. When you wake up, open your blind and see that kind of day waiting for you it makes you feel more like curling up in bed for the day than being motivated and getting things done!
Similarly when you wake up and open your blind and you see bright blue cloudless skies and sunshine beaming you feel good, it puts a smile on your face and you feel happy!
When it knows for the first few days it is exciting, different, fun, then it becomes tedious and trapping!
During Autumn, one of my favourite times is the first few weeks of the season when the leaves of the trees turn various colours of orange, yellow and rustic browns and it all looks so beautiful. 
All of these seasons host so many different variants of weather and they effect us. It is a strange phenomenon but sometimes the weather works with you, like the days when you are sad and it pours rain all day, a sort of poetic phallacy but in this case the weather is reflecting the mind of the person. 
This fascinates me as weather can be beautiful, can be dangerous, can be horrible and it has such a hold over us all! Mother nature plays her games with us through her command of the weather, and we all follow.
You are my fresh summer breeze on a bright blue day! I love you.

D. Mount

The sound of MUSIK!...

Well mi amor!! I just want to say that Im looking forward to hug u in 9 days, and to just cuddle u to go sleepies.... I was just thinking of musik and how beautiful it is... I cant wait to start our project, because it is a need for me to do music so let's do it please, i cannot just turn 25 with out havent made my dreams come true it would just be not kool... so that is my ultimate goal, I want to be who I rally am, infront of the world, and do what I really like and family can fuck off and the world can fuck off and ppl and friends and anyones expectations can fuckk off too!! I've just had it!! cant live like this anymore... I need to scream what I feel and protest againts what stresses me... so mi amor :D the sound of musik has always been my escape and it would be!!...

See u next week amor, te amo.

J. Mount

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Birthday Wishes :)

My birthday officially ends in 45 mins so I wanted to say thank you for all the love and the great vibes!!
You made me feel like a queen today with all your posts and the phone call this morning!! It made my day really!!
I love you so much and in nine days I want to run into your arms and squeeze you so tight!! And kiss you and tell you face to face how much I love you!!
You are the best and I just wanted to post this to say thanks for making my birthday epic!!
Te amo!!


HAPPY Birthday!!!

Mi amor happy happy birthday!! im preparing a video!!! but is not ready yet,,,
HAVE THE BEST BDAY EVER  u are so special always!! te amo!! ft ft ft


Monday 9 May 2011

'What's the matter with the clothes im wearing??'

This morning whilst listening to the radio I was compelled to turn up the volume as I heard the phrase 'Slut Walk' coming across the airwaves. I listened as the presenter told the story of a police man in Toronto who told students in college that if young women wanted to avoid rape and sexual assault they should dress less provocatively. this statement obvious caused outrage and since then 'slut walks' have been taking place worldwide, with people marching protesting against this statement as it is extremely discriminating against women and also seems to advertise a sort of acceptance of rape and sexual assault, if the women was dressed in something regarded as being 'slutty; then she is to blame for her own rape.
I was outraged when i heard of this because it is an extreme statement to make, rape is a hideous crime which is very hidden from public view so we see only the cases which have other stories attached to them. If this officer had thought seriously about his statement before he said it he would have realised that the act of rape is never the fault of the women, if a women dresses provocatively she will of course draw male attention but my no means does this sanction the act of rape.
Also how does this statement account for the young women who are raped whilst walking in regular clothes, or whilst out exercising, after consuming a spiked drink in a bar, or whilst doing shopping late? The act of rape is carried out by the man and this statement seems to be to be giving the male offenders, a get out of jail free card.
This also brought to mind and issue which I recently addressed in an exam and the issue of veiling among females in eastern countries. Through the graphic novel Perseoplis we see how these women even when fully veiled are still watched by men, still treated as objects of sexual desire and I find it astonishing that this officer could make such a statement.
Rape is something which is not black and white, it has many grey areas including the mental state of the male offender, but never ever should a statement be made whereby the blame is placed on the victim.

D. Mount


Hey mi amor,
So I just finished some detils in the room! x) Im sure ur gona like it!!... I just want to make it as confy and pretty as it can be for you!! I want to create an envirorment in wich you can feel at home, because this is your home, we are home. So mi amor, today is oficcially one of the last sundays I have to spend by myself... and that is so exiting no joke!! x)
So bby! Im very tired :P and I better go sleepies before I fall on the keyboard! I love you so much! ur last post was great! I think we pretty much have the 1st chapter! I love you amor!! always yours!


Sunday 8 May 2011

The ropes have been unbound.

When you first enter secondary school here you are usually twelve or thirteen years of age. Very little has happened in your life compared to the occurances which will unfold during your six years before college.
When I entered secondary I was shy and wanted nothing more then to be liked, I made friends with girls who were similar in temperament and intelligence to me and we quickly became extremely close.
When two new girls entered out group things began to change these girls were promiscuous, something alien to the four of us, we had no interest in boys or love or any of those things, we were focused on doing well and being good in school. These girls were constantly texting boys, meeting up with them and going galavanting behind the school, when we were allowed to wear casual clothes to school both these girls wore provocative outfits and were told by teachers to cover themselves, that visibility of their bras in school was unacceptable. We were critical of these girls but also jealous. as you get older and your hormones change so too does your outlook on life, you begin to think about wanting a boyfriend, needing one to be normal which was not easy for my group of four, we were all pretty in our own ways but we were different. This led to countless rejections and a true battering of my self-esteem and I very quickly gave up on anything to do with affection or love, I decided these were things i would never have and became accepting of that fact.
When I started my fourth year of school I lost my friends and was in a brand new class having to make new friends which was never my area of expertise. The class I had been assigned to was full of girls who were the polar opposite to me and my fourth year was one of self-loathing and deprecation as a felt I was never good enough for anything, I saw everyone around me being romantically involved as we were all 15 and 16 and I felt terrible about my self and branded love as an unobtainable curse.
When I was 17 i made a new group of friends one of whom was my cousin, we were hell raisers in class and people in school rarely  came near us because we were intimidating. My cousin and her best friend both had boyfriends and myself and the other friend did not, I suddenly felt okay about being single because I wasn't the only one.
However this did not stop a spiralling into a black abyss where one of the other girls resided, queen of the darkness, self-destructive and dangerous I was pulled in and soon I was introduced to a new world one where I could have fun sexually because at the weekends I was intoxicated which granted me a new false sense of confidence.
Those times were extremely black and I was involved with some boys and a few girls but still I hated myself and I was certain that true love did not exist, how could it when I was able to have relations with my best friend behind her boyfriends back, whom she supposedly loved.
By the end of my six years in secondary school, I had few real friends, when I hung around with this particular girl people avoided us because we were scary, we were dark and mean and I had become indifferent.
As I broke free of those dark restricting ropes which once held me I began to think of my self as being worth loving, i began to realise that I deserved happiness and not to be second best. I worked hard for months and had a few dates and interested boys but I wasn't ready to be serious with anybody because I did not feel as though I was ready to be in a serious relationship with my self, myself and I were still dating getting to know each other and I could not jeopradise my work for the sake of love, something I was terrified of having as it had never been generous to me in the past.
As I was turning twenty I began to see on the college campus, couples, holding hands, cuddling and kissing and I was suddenly desperate for somebody to want to hold my hand but I was still a little hesitant, I knew the love I wanted wasn't normal I knew it would not be easy because at this time I was very aware of the fact that if I was to enter into a relationship I wanted it to be with another girl. This fact caused me so much anxiety as I knew myself well enough to know that I did not have the confidence to per-sue anybody.
When I first went to mexico I was a much happier person than I had been in a long time and there I because more confident and out going as I had little choice if I wanted to enjoy myself, here I was introduced to a host of experiences and it was then that by complete coincidence i met you.
As I got to know you I began to understand how people could fall in love, I began to think that maybe I did have a soul mate, maybe I could let somebody love me, but I was very sure that somebody just had to be you.
You enlightened me and showed me so many things about life, my felling for you developed quickly as I had found somebody with whom I could speak freely, who would listen and care about what I was saying, somebody who was gorgeous and who actually thought I was pretty too.
I was infatuated with you very quickly and I realised that I had fallen in love. The feeling I thought would never happen within me happened and the sense of freedom and euphoria which accompanied it was immense.
That moment, that epiphany, was an experience which served as a turning point in my life. As we grew closer and you asked me out and we became better acquainted with one another I think we both grew a lot, I know that I developed both emotionally and psychologically as you made me realise so many things about my world and about life in general.
Now I sit here in my room, twelve days from moving to another country and the shadow of who I was has disappeared in the bright illuminating light which is our love
Before I never saw my future, it barely existed now I can look into the future and see many years of this happiness, friendship and love. You changed my world, my life my mind and I sit here now a happy and complete person because you loved me. Because you saw me.


Brown Bread

So due to exhaustion last night I did not get to post my blog entry last night, quelle domage!!
Here I am on a Sunday morning posting Saturday nights post :) I just got back from my Nana's where I enjoyed some of her most exquisite bakery which as always reminds me of you. I always remembers trips to my Nana's with you and the tea we had and the bread and the chat, Nana used to love chatting with you and it made me relaise how lucky I am to have a girlfriend who has mixed so well with my family.
Everybody loves and misses you and I know they cannot wait to see you again!! Just like I cannot wait to be in your arms again!!
12 more days gorgeous!!!


Romeo and Juliet... oh sorry! my bad... Dani and Jess!!

What intrigues me most of people is how incoherent they can be with the things they wish for in life.
One of my friends use to tell me that true love never hurts and he was sure that he had found the love of his life (this happened while he was still religious of course) but things changed once he got back to the regular non religious life. While we used to eat immense quantities of tacos from our favourite place, just 2 blocks away from the apartment, we often discussed about the unfair things in life, but most of all, we often discuss about love.
My friend and I lived together for almost a year. In that time I considered him as my best friend ever. A rough straight and typical Mexican guy who always talks about politics, football and women or better said, sex. I learned a lot out of  those chats. Things I would've probably never figured out myself, but it was good, you know... just for the knowledge.
While we were roomys and still in college we both used to have different perspectives about love. First of all because I was trapped in the worse relationship ever and second of all because he had been with this girl (now his wife) for almost 4 years.... even though in that moment they were having a "year off". Anyway, so we were both kind of VERY disappointed about love, and which is worse, we've gotten to the point of been indifferent to it.
So hurt and so hopeless, we use to see love just as a myth and of course, relationships.
Being a lesbian hanging out and chatting about boy things every night with him made me start to think as one. And no joke, after a year, I was shallow enough to not give a shit about anyone, specially not girls.
My friends (the good ones) were already established by years of honest friendship and goofy teenage moments, so the acquaintances I could make were enough, not only just for the laugh, but because well, I had to have somebody to hang out with... being in the biggest city in the country with all those great places to hang out and  "The Mexican city that never sleeps" tag on it, well!! I couldn't be a town girl anymore right?... So I left myself go into the world of material and superficial feelings... or better known as... empty relationships. And I don't mean exclusively love relationships, but all kind.
Going out every weekend, I had moments in which I felt lost if I was just at home on a Thursday night, when 2 years before that I didn't even know what a club was, ironic. Anyway, time passed and the most I was getting deep into that scenario, the worse I used to feel.
In one occasion, I locked myself for good 3 days and started reading through my old diaries. And looking over years of experiences (good and bad ones)  I found this page where I had written the resolutions for the new year ahead. The fist line was clear and precise " I want to find love".... So as it's typical of me, I left myself go into that line and got trapped for like an hour into that though. However, it worked. I realized that I was making the same mistakes over and over  and that when you want something, you have to look for it. Not like me, doing the complete opposite. I was scared I guess, very. But at the end of that night, after some tears, many packages of cookies and 3 hours of self consciousness about my present, I decided I was walking on the wrong side or the road, and I had to stop. It was one of those days in which you just can't hold your own soul anymore because it weights too much.  So I took my cool blue fluorescent backpack and fucked off to my mom's arms. As lame and nerd it could sound, they were until then, the best remedy for a sad day or a depressing time... in this case.
I talked to her about EVERYTHING, I remembered. And just by listening to me she gave me the strength to fix my way and change directions. I was then, completely sure of what I wanted. Something obvious but of course, one of my good qualities has never been common sense. What I wanted was true love. Yes! that typical thing women always look for in soup operas but yet, I wanted it. A happy ending, my own family, a home movie weekend and all those romantic things but the most important one... a best friend and a lover which I could share my life with.
After that weekend of self enlightening I went back to start my honest new endeavor that will lead me to that thing I had always wished for, happiness. I dedicate myself to college then, and as hard to believe as it can be, the best grades of my college life were in the last semester. I started acting instead of reacting to situations crossing on my way and just kept walking. With a fresh definition of love in my head and a heterosexual best male friend out of the house, I could start a new life.
The next months passed quickly as my last day of college was approaching. Finally almost 2 months before finishing, another friend, well... classmate, move in to my place. But that is another story. The remarkable point here is... that I had a goal in mind and I was making all the necessary to reach it.
And finally some weeks after finishing college and just a week before starting again with the music school (which is another story as well) I met you... I finally met you. By a simple coincidence if you want or by a universe miracle, I happened to be in the same place at the same time that you. And then the true love story begun. But I don't think I need to write about it right now, since you perfectly know how beautiful it was and how beautiful it is and how long this post have been. But I wanted to make sure you were liking this peace before I could continue, because the next chapter my love, is going to be written by you!
This could be the very start of our love story book don't you think? :) haha whatever the case I would still love for you to write your part, even just for us, because this things have to remain for eternity and we cannot waste our talents in lame things without writing about ourselves, as good artists we are, ego goes first, we always go first.

So mi amor, just to take your mind a little out of the essay cage and make you relax  :)
I hope you liked this.
I will see you early when I wake up. I love you with all of my heart!!! kikis ft ft ft

J. Mount

Saturday 7 May 2011

My daily post!!!...

If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and green
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

Mi amor this song says it all! I love you so much! have a great day mi amor!!!!!


Once Upon a Time....

Mi amor, today I was asking my Gran so many random questions about how she felt when her daughters introduced their fiancée and their families and so many random things but I decided to ask her about my Granddad Tom. Firstly I asked when how long they were going out before they married she told me that they went out for two years before they married, the started going out in 1958 and married in July 1960.
I was curious as to what people who were going out did in those days as they didn't really have cinema or technology really and there was no entertainment really so grand told me;
"We used to see each other three times a week, on Sundays we went dancing, and on Monday and Wednesday we went or walks in the country"
Then I asked if My Granddad had been romantic and she got all shy and told me;
"Oh yeah, he used to tell me all the time I was beautiful and how lovely I was."
The joy in her face when she told me this made it clear to me that true love never dies. My Granddad tom has been dead now for almost thirty years, more time than my Gran even knew him and my Gran still thinks of him every day, still remembers the days they used to see each other and how romantic he was and how that made her feel.
I was completely enchanted today as my Gran told me her love story and it just made me more certain than ever that I have that with you. True eternal love.
I love you!

D. Mount

Friday 6 May 2011


Mi amor... I cant wait for u to be here! so im gonna start counting the days here until u arrive...
Day 1, 6 of may 2011
Status: Half asleep
Place: Our room
Details: I smell like soup 
Thoughts: You and me n_n
Days to  wait: 14

Yay!! so mic amor i love you so much"" na dwe have to keep this updated till ur here :d hee hee te amo bby!! 

Thursday 5 May 2011

Sleepie eyes!

I have just spent the past two and a half hours reading various chapters from various books and reading academic articles for my history essay!
I am now just about half way through with 2,284 words and the relief is immense, of course everything I wrote this evening will need to be looked over but I'm so relieved to have it done!!
This post is going to be super short because my eyes are very tired from reading on the computer and I'm tired of typing too haha!! Last essay of the college career...epic!!
I love you so much, thanks for your support and the inspiration you give me!!

D. Mount

15 days!!

BBy my brain is dry!! hahah I can only think in one thing..... 15 days!! I friken love you!!!! :D


Wednesday 4 May 2011

Eighteen months of beauty, love and you!!

There are still fifteen minuets left on the 4th of May so I can still say....


Bby today was such a busy say and fricken stressful, then i came home and we skyped for our anniversary and the moment I saw your beautiful smile on the screen I knew everything that had been bothering no longer mattered because i have you, I have happiness and I have love!!

I am so excited I can barely articulate how I feel!!!! The relief, the excitement the happiness, the rush of knowing that I will be there with you in 15 days is immense!! And I am soooo ready for it!!! After waiting since February to feel your arms around me again I think we are both more than ready to be together again!!

You are my entire world and these past 18 months have been phenomenal!! Truly bby, you changed my entire world, how I see things, how i deal with things and most importantly you introduced me to true, and long lasting love!
Thank you for everything bby!
You are my angel and I love you with all of my heart!

D. Mount

Happy Anniversary!!!

Mi amor, today we turn 18 months of sharing our lifes, and I cannot think in anything better to say than I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU for have walked into my life. With out you my light would be off... my heart would be dry and my life would be useless. You are the woman that has conquested my life and has hunted my heart. You are everthing I always wanted, like a portrait of the perfect girl I had in my mind since I was very young, not only because you are gorgeous but because you have a blessed scent, your soul is kind, and your heart huge. You are beautiful like an angel and a good very good person. To love you and to be loved by you is I think, a miracle, and the biggest and most important event of my life. Together we are a perfect macth, together we are more powerful than appart, together we are one, and better than one. Mi amor I can't wait to put that ring in your finger and tell you face to face, that I'm completely commited with you because It makes me happy, "we'll do it all, everything, on our own'' and bby I would lay dawn with you and just forget the world... Te amo por siempre mi hermosa princesa!!
Thanks for so much happiness!


Tuesday 3 May 2011

something simple!

Mi amor, i am missing you insanely right now but my brain is asleep so i am lacking anything pretty to say :)
So bby i did this for you just to let you know how much i love you!!!!

D. Mount

I heart you!

I heart you...
Yes I do mi pingy do!
with the voice of my rough chest I call you,
with the oils of my scent I rub you,
and you fall and fall deply inlove with me...

HAhaha that souded porno :P sowy amor!! hehe not very creative today, but you know is with so much love! Te amo!!!

J. Mount

Monday 2 May 2011


Have you ever wondered where the earth and sky meet??
It's between your heart and mine.

A place where beauty lies and waits,
For the joining of two promised hearts.

Here it was that I met you my love,
On the horizon of my heart and your yours.

With promises of only my love and hope,
You took my hand and made me fly.

Horizons are often dusky and grey,
But with you mine are always bright.

Behind every grey cloud you emerge,
Shedding on me an inspiring light.

Take this key, the key to my heart,
And guard it with your life.

For there is no copy only that one,
And it is yours now,
For life.

I Love You!

D. Mount

New Beginning...

Mi amor, today is the 1st of May, and I was thinking you are right... it is sucha beautiful month but not only because is your birthday and mother's day, but because It's a new start!. Mi amor I have a job :D I know it might not be the friken super job, but it's mine! I got it, and is something that I like that happened to be very easy to do!! wich makes me even happier!!! I can't wait to start our proyect! :D thanks for been my rock mi amor!!
Im ready to start a new beginning!! Officially and adult with a job now :P hhaha Te amo!!!  <3

J. Mount

Eyes Wide Open

Hermosa!! Today in between visiting my Nana and writing my essay for my take home exam I watched this documentary on the ending of The L Word.
I know you must be thinking 'god this girl has a trauma with that show!!' but bby while I was watching and listening to the reasoning behind the show and hearing how much it affected people lives I realised, I was one of those people that it affected, it helped me realise that liking somebody of the same sex is not wrong, loving somebody of the same sex if not wrong and building a life with somebody of the same sex is not wrong.
I used to doubt myself so much I thought I was a freak, I thought I would never find anybody to love and then I discovered this show and it helped me open up my eyes.
Then I found you and my world was completely changed, I realised I could have happiness, love, a great life with somebody who loved me in return and shared my goals and visions for the future.
I am so grateful for everything I have and everything I have accomplished and everything we have accomplished and I am so glad that when I met you my eyes were open and I was able to see what a beautiful person you were, it opened up my heart and gave me the chance to let you in.
Falling in love with you has been the most monumental moment in my entire life.
Te Amo

P.S. The links to the other parts come up in the list on the right hand side :) I love you!

D. Mount

Sunday 1 May 2011


Just like you said mi amor...
The last year and a half many things has happened and we've been through many important events and we are still on the track feeling more happier than ever!... These past 18 months my life has become easier, happier and very successful. You are the most important one in my life, and the one that changed it forever.
I was used to sadness, misery and emotional abuse, ghosts that now are  part of the learning process of the past.
You have thought many things, how to trust again, how to  love and be loved but th emost important one, you have thought me what real freedom is... something that I always persecute but didn't understand well, until I met you. All the chats about our lifes and our future make me realice how important is to fing you other half, the ideal person to share life with and I found you Dani!! after many mistakes, finally you arrived to my life and Im truly and completely gratefull with God or the universe for it!!... Your a part time lover and a full time friend!!
I love you with all  of my heart! Thanks for everything!
