Monday 28 February 2011

On the wings of love

Often in life we can feel trapped, by commitments such as work and college mainly, as I did today.
However sometimes the baby bird who flies from the nest to soon is ill prepared and falls, ending up with injuries which will impede its flight for the rest of its life.
So even though we can often feel so enclosed that we long for a quick and easy escape we all have to wait to fly the nest, we all have to wait to strengthen our wings, to learn the techniques required to fly safely and in the correct direction. So I will wait with patience and smile as i work on strengthening my wings and then when my time comes and the door to my cage is open I will be prepared and ready to fly directly into your arms, where I will stay safe and warm waiting for us to fly together. I love you, thank you for giving me my wings. <3


Sunday 27 February 2011

Freedom, Peace & Love

Birds are perhaps the most commonplace thing in nature. We see them constantly in the sky, on the ground, bathing, eating, everywhere we go. Many watch birds as a hobby, and recently I have become a little bit obsessed with this image of three birds.
They first appeared whilst we were at a photography exhibition in Mexico D.F, they were in a room which had a high ceiling white and lime green walls and about the massive window in which you were standing there was an alternative painting of the figure of a young girl with dozens of these birds in flight behind this toddler in a red dress. They were spectacular and I thought they brought such a feeling of artistic freedom.
They then appeared in an image search I did when trying to recreate the image of these birds, since then I have incorporated them into my sketches for our band and when I set up this blog it was one of the first templates which appeared.
Now they have become one of my favourite symbols. For me they symbolise  freedom, the ability to be free and fly to where ever you like and to never be trapped within the cages which society are so desperately trying to get us to fly into! also it represents the freedom our love gives both of us, the feeling of ecstasy when i look in your eyes send me soaring just a bird does, gliding in the wind, free and happy!

I love you, you a re the wind beneath my wings.


A Quick Te Amo

Mi amor :) I'm about to go sleepies, but 1st I wanted to say a quick TE AMO in the next way...

Our love is as sweet as this.... Te amo! <3
J. Mount

Saturday 26 February 2011

'Time in the hand is not control of time...'

The Pomegranate

by Eavan Boland
The only legend I have ever loved is
the story of a daughter lost in hell.
And found and rescued there.
Love and blackmail are the gist of it.
Ceres and Persephone the names.
And the best thing about the legend is
I can enter it anywhere.  And have.
As a child in exile in
a city of fogs and strange consonants,
I read it first and at first I was
an exiled child in the crackling dusk of
the underworld, the stars blighted.  Later
I walked out in a summer twilight
searching for my daughter at bed-time.
When she came running I was ready
to make any bargain to keep her.
I carried her back past whitebeams
and wasps and honey-scented buddleias.
But I was Ceres then and I knew
winter was in store for every leaf
on every tree on that road.
Was inescapable for each one we passed.
And for me.
                    It is winter
and the stars are hidden.
I climb the stairs and stand where I can see
my child asleep beside her teen magazines,
her can of Coke, her plate of uncut fruit.
The pomegranate!  How did I forget it?
She could have come home and been safe
and ended the story and all
our heart-broken searching but she reached
out a hand and plucked a pomegranate.
She put out her hand and pulled down
the French sound for apple and
the noise of stone and the proof
that even in the place of death,
at the heart of legend, in the midst
of rocks full of unshed tears
ready to be diamonds by the time
the story was told, a child can be
hungry.  I could warn her.  There is still a chance.
The rain is cold.  The road is flint-coloured.
The suburb has cars and cable television.
The veiled stars are above ground.
It is another world.  But what else
can a mother give her daughter but such
beautiful rifts in time?
If I defer the grief I will diminish the gift.
The legend will be hers as well as mine. 
She will enter it.  As I have.
She will wake up.  She will hold
the papery flushed skin in her hand.
And to her lips.  I will say nothing.

When I read your inbox this morning I began thinking about the concept of time and how quickly the process of life causes us to change. Sometimes it can feel as though the whole world has changed in the blink of the eye and we missed it. 
Thinking about this I began thinking of my up coming move to a new continent. This move will be a whole new world for me and the changes which will occur within me, to my appearance, to how  I live and see things will be all unnoticeable to me as i am living them, I will be creating these changes, i suppose we are all like chameleons in that sense. However when I return home to visit my family having been away from them for over a year maybe the changes will be extremely noticeable to them and visa versa, my siblings will have grown up, their faces will have changed, their attitudes, their voices, their hobbies. Instead of thinking of this in a negative way and feeling as though I missed so much I will be accepting it for just what it is, the natural progression of time.

Our lives are full of deadlines, times to sit exams, times to arrive to work, schedules for everything and whilst all of these things are being kept up to date the entire world and the people who inhabit it are changing constantly, we only perceive these changes to be quick and sudden because we are so distracted maintaining everything else. 

However, this is not a bad thing, in my opinion we need to miss some of life's changes in ourselves and in our loved ones and out surrounding as seeing the constant changes would be unsettling and life would become a race.
Instead I propose that we endeavor to live our lives as we like, to love and appreciate everything we have while we have it and when we are faced with changes to embrace them instead of fighting them as these things will soon be normal for us. We are lucky to have the rare gift of sharing our lives with the person we love and that is a precious gift to be enjoyed everyday whilst making the most of our lives instead of anticipating and fearing the inevitable changes.

I love you <3 

D. Mount.


A copy of your last post... Something improvised but with all my love!!
 J. Mount

Para Tí

Just a little something to make you smile and remember :)

D. Mount

Friday 25 February 2011

Walking on a dream

Life is like a dream where every thought can change the scene, where any fantasy can be wished, where we can watch and touch as much as any other think. Life can be a clock, a big city, a football... Life can be a  first kiss, a first job, a new born. For me life is a like a dream, is a white paper and ink, where you decide and you desing, where every hour is a new line that riches the final price. For me a dream is a truth, an inner discovery, my soul's home. For me a home is with you and the truth is to know that I have reached my goal. I had a dream once, and now I have that life <3   I love you ( hope is ok, it's a sleepie head job)

J. Mount

Thursday 24 February 2011

Musica, Belleza, Amor.

Another sketch to add to our collection, I hope you like it!!
Te Amo...<3


A simple detail to say I love you.

''the bluest eyes in Ireland are hunting me tonight...''



Wednesday 23 February 2011

All you need is love!

Sometimes all you need is the strong love an amazing girl!!
You are my rock, my sunshine, my everything!!
I love you, what more can I say <3

D. Mount.


About 5 minutes ago I heared the sound, again. No later than midnight, it was here, firm and dark as any other visit. It feels cathastrophic, but I'm still up. My skin itches, I smell like suicide. I can't see. I want to stop...
This ideas infect me like mold, and it's because of it.
Finally, 6 o'clock. The first ray is clearing it. I'm warmed up. My eye pupils focus again. The tender touch woke me up. It is you. Saving me... ''Don't worry it doesn't hurt. The shadows of scars are never painful, they just upset''. Hmm, automn kiss. My favourite. After midnight your light is always more bright. I'm breathing now, I'm not afraid. I'm back for real at Yellow Bog.

J. Mount

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Only You

Today my mood wavered, feeling completely inadequate my positivity dropped to an all time low. 
Then in the middle of listening to meditation music and studying the economics of France you called me. 
The sound of your voice through my blackberry was enough to alleviate all of my anxiety, to fill me with energy and revive my positivity.
You have the power to change my entire day just with your voice, such is the effect of our love. 
Thank you for being so understanding, helpful and amazing.
I love you.

D. Mount, 

Love Release...

J. Mount

Monday 21 February 2011

Música y Amor.

I often wonder is there anything more universal than music or love?
We all search for love endlessly even restlessly until the find out perfect other half, for some the search is easy and short for others it is tumultuous and for others they are constantly presented with ; '0 results found, modify search.'
Love is a theme in the majority of the music we listen to, the books we read, the movies we watch, even in current affairs there are elements of love, in the tabloids we are constantly reading about love and all of its many spin of stories. Love is something which consumes us when we have and consumes also when we are searching so desperately for it, there rarely seems to be a happy medium between loneliness and being in love. 
Music is a universal factor which is present in all of our lives. Every country and culture has its own musical aspect to it but also music is something so personal just like love! You experience it in an individual way you feel things when you listen to music that you cannot explain just like you feel things when you look at the one you love and cannot explain it. Music and love have become like our air, we need them to survive, we need to know that they are there for us because we depend so greatly on them for everything.
Music has the power to change your entire day just as the kiss of your sweetheart can turn your world upside down. 
If linguistics ever fail us and speaking is no longer the most efficient way to communicate, the alternative will be through music and through love, which I know sounds very bohemian and hippy but it is true. Music can dictate your music, and so can love, body language and touch are the most effective ways to read someone and with a soundtrack even more so.
I guess you could call this a celebration of music and love, the two factors which had changed my life irrevocably. Music and love, I salute you.

D. Mount.

Building our Love!

Mi amor:
I thought this will be a great idea for my post today. I know you love puzzles and this is a very special one! I love you with every piece of my puzzle! haha <3
enjoy it!


Sunday 20 February 2011

Para Nosotros

A sketch for our band my darling!
Plus I used all the techniques you taught me for editing pictures to put the finishing touches to this poster( its not perfect I know but I need to practice a little more!). I hope you like it mi amor, its all for you <3
D Mount.

Día Perfecto

Saturday 19 February 2011

You might as well face it, you're addicted to love!!

I just left you on skype, the first one is always the hardest but i enjoyed it so much, we chatted and laughed and were really hanging out which is epic and all thanks to amazing technology!!
I realised so many things today: 
1) We are so lucky to have each other( I knew this already but it was made more obvious today!)
2) We have the power and the strength to do anything we want to do.
3) I am falling even more madly in love with you every single day, if that is possible!
4) Positivity is the key to surviving anything!
5) We are made for each other and I will never let you go, you are my angel on earth, my little piece of heaven personified!!
Just seeing you on that screen today has made my heart sing!! I can hardly describe the feeling of happiness which floods my entire body when I hear your voice and when your stunningly beautiful face appears on my screen! 
Thank you for an amazing evening I enjoyed it so much!!
You are the light of my life!! Te amo mucho mi hermosa!! <3

D.Mc M.

Friday 18 February 2011

Entry Number One!

In a bid to distract ourselves from the forces of time we agreed to write a blog entry each in this blog, I'm excited about this project because it is another activity for both of us to share!
I have missed you so much since you left but this time like no other I am completely positive and seeing the effect you have had on my life has never been clearer!! You have changed me in so many ways and your influence is permanent in me and within the house too!

I love you so much and cannot wait for the summer but I also think this next period of time apart will be so good for both of us to prove to ourselves and to each other just how strong we are, how resilient and how determined we are also!!

you are my strength and i adore you!! happy Friday bby!! <3

D.Mc M

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Amor a Distancia...Take Four!

Here we are on the eve of your departure, ready for another airport goodbye and all the things which it entails.
Our fourth time leaving each other and finally the last! This long distance relationship is one which has tested us both, loving somebody and sharing your life with them whilst being 5,500 miles away from them is no easy task but thus far we have risen to the challenge and kicked ass at every hurdle!
I have no reason to doubt that this final stint apart will be any different to our previous times but I am glad to say that at the end of this period of separation we will never have to embark upon this long distance life style again!
The next three months will be testing as missing the person you love is not easy but our belief in each other and in our love will be our guiding force and when I land back into your arms in June it will be our final victory our way of saying to those who didn't believe in us "we did it!!"
I am embarking on these three months as an adventure, a final hurdle one which will only strengthen our relationship and make us stronger as a couple and as individuals!!
Tomorrow we will say goodbye until June but I keep you with me in my heart every day! My love for you never falters and I cannot wait to begin our life together this autumn. You are my ray of sunshine on a cloudy, dreary day, I love you, forever yours, D.Mc M <3