Wednesday 17 February 2016

#tolfotochallenge Days 23, 24 & 25: Night, Landscape & Mirror, Mirror

by Dani Mc Mahon

25 Day Photography Challenge - Days 23, 24 & 25: Night, Landscape & Mirror, Mirror

Sincerest apologies for the delay in posting the last photos of the 25 day challenge. I was sucked into a couple of books but I am pleased to report that I have once again resurfaced un-harmed feeling completely enlightened!

Days 23, 24 & 25 looked a little like this:

Day 23: Night

Ireland is a place where the skies can be cloudy and grey most days. However, living by the sea has huge advantages which help with this predicament. The sea breeze gently sweeps away the clouds so that for large periods of the day (and night) the sky which I view from our bedroom window is a cloudless one. The results are usually pretty gorgeous.

Day 24: Landscape

From the bedroom window we have a view which I feel is likened to the view seen in Van Gough's painting of the roofs of Paris. Of course I am embellishing our view slightly with this description, but it is a nice one none-the-less. We have a lovely view of roof-tops and of mountains which in recent weeks have been dusted with snow occasionally. The sky on the evening I took this picture was absolutely magnificent and you can see the outline of the landscape perfectly.

Day 25: Mirror, Mirror

On a recent trip to IKEA I was reminded of my first trip there some two years or more ago. It was a Sunday afternoon, there was oh-so-much to see and I was totally amazed at the sheer quantity of things and the endless decorating possibilities. As we made our way through the kids section I stopped to look at the stuffed animals and came across two gorgeous princesses who really did strike a resemblance to myself and my lovely wife. A mirror image one might say?

And so the 25 Day Photography Challenge comes to and end. Thanks for following it and reading my musings. Stay tuned, I have plenty of book reviews to come :)

#tolfotochallenge #catchup #moretofollow #staytuned

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