Tuesday 26 January 2016

#tolfotochallenge Day 7: Books

by Dani Mc Mahon

25 Day Photography Challenge - Day 7: Books

"I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book." 
                                                                                                         J. K. Rowling

As a child I was lucky enough to have a bedtime story read to me before I went to sleep every single night. This planted a seed in me from a very young age which would eventually grow into an undying love for books. Reading has always been, for me, something which induces a feeling of bliss. There is nothing more incredible than picking up a book, reading those first words and being absolutely enthralled. 
Books allow you to discover new people, places and things while never leaving your bedroom. They allow you to stretch your imagination as far as you possibly can in order to create a visual world in your mind built strongly on the foundation of the words in the book. 
Some of the most important books in my life have left me with lasting memories and more importantly lessons. Opening your heart and mind to the characters and story of a book is something you will always be glad you did.
Growing up, fiction was always my genre. Whether is was Harry Potter, Peter Rabbit or a good piece of chick-lit, fiction was my type of thing and I loved it! About six months ago I started reading more biographical books and discovered a whole new world of books. This genre had never appealed to me before but I have really gotten into it over the past number of months, as you can see from today's picture. (Yes Please by Amy Poehler and Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham)
On an impromptu trip to Dublin City last week I found myself in my favourite type of shop; a book shop. Walking through those double glass doors into a world full of books just instantly soothes my soul. Naturally I left with books in a paper bag, dying to get home and start reading! I did just that and I am now working my way through my second book. 
Books, books, books. How I love you so! 

#tolfotochallenge #day7 #bookworm #yesplease #notthatkindofgirl #ilovebooks

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