Tuesday 15 December 2015

Ten Myths about Lesbians: Dispelled!

by Dani Mc Mahon

'What would it be like to be a man/woman/baby/dog etc?'
Have you ever had that fleeting thought while you're going about your day? Guys think it would be fun to have boobs, ladies think it would be difficult to buy skinny jeans with a bulk between their legs. We all think life you be so relaxing if we were to trade places with the family dog. Are these thoughts true or are they merely myths? Today I want to dispel some common myths about lesbians which people very often take as fact.

1. Living together is all rainbows and fairy dust.
Just because we are both girls does not mean that we live like friends in a frat house! We live like any other couple. House hold chores, cooking, paying the bills, all those things still happen just like in any other relationship.

2. All lesbians are feminists who hate men.
I'm just a regular feminist who has no problem with men. Just because we don't want to sleep with men does no mean we hate them.

3. We all have short hair and wear flannel.
Putting all lesbians in the same box will only cause problems. Just like there are many different types of people and styles of clothing for straight people there are for lesbians too. Remember, each person is an individual with their own individual style!

4. All lesbians are vegetarians.
I am not really sure where this myth originated. I myself was a vegetarian long before I realised or owned up to the fact that I was gay. In my experience there are just as many straight vegetarians out there as there are lesbian ones.

5. All lesbians remain friends with their exes.
Most definitely not true. Of course there are a lot of ladies who do stay friends with their exes but it is not true for everyone, talk about making life complicated!

6. In a lesbian relationship someone has to be 'the man'.
The point of being a lesbian is that in your relationship there is no man! Equality is key and everything falls into place accordingly!

7. They just haven't met the right man.
Oh please! Believe it or believe it not, amazing sex with a man will not turn a lesbian straight!

8. All butch lesbians want to be men.
False. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Having a masculine appearance and sleeping with women does not a trans gender person make.

9. We find all women attractive.
Let me assure that just like everybody else lesbians have types too. I like girls with brown eyes and dark hair. My wife likes girls with blue eyes and fair hair. Just because you have boobs does not mean I am going to be madly attracted to you, sorry!

10. We U-Haul and then it all goes to pot.
The joke is that lesbians fall in love hard and fast and by the third date the moving van is full and the day has arrived. Things fizzle shortly after this and then its all over. Take it from me this is not the case. There are plenty of examples of lesbian couples who are in it for the long haul, myself and my wife included.

Thanks for reading!

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