Wednesday 30 December 2015

2015: A Year in Review

by Dani Mc Mahon

As this year comes to an end I begin to look back on the events in my life this year which shaped 2015 into the year that was. As with every year, I find that when you think back quickly about what you achieved or the positives aspects of your life this year it is always so much easier to make a list of the negative things which happened. In order to actually make a list of positive things and achievements you need to sit down, take out a pen and paper and write. I did just that this evening and so here I am, sharing the highlights of my 2015. I left out the negative bits and included pictures of the good bits instead.
  • Living at the sea-side: 2015 was our first full year in our apartment by the sea. The spring and summer months were blissful. The weather was not particularly spectacular (I mean we are taking about Ireland!) but the dry days combined with long evenings and the occasional spell of sunshine meant we had the perfect setting for evening beach walks and Sunday morning hikes. Of course the real highlight was getting to share all of this with my other half which was the cherry on top of the cake.
  • Celebrating our two year wedding anniversary and six years together. How time flies!
  • My mother-in-law and her best friend came to visit this summer for three weeks. It was such a brilliant experience, especially getting to show them where I am from and some of the beauty this little island has to offer. It was also amazing for my mother-in-law to finally get to meet my entire family and spend time with them. One of our best friends also came to visit, so we were busy being hosts!
  • This year was a good one in terms of travel. Barcelona, Lisbon, Paris and Rome all featured as we took off for the summer and a couple of weekend breaks later in the year. Getting to experience such beautiful cities was such a treat.
  • 2015 saw Ireland vote Yes for Marriage Equality. May 23rd is a day I will never forget as I watched the result being called out on that glorious evening to a rainbow clad audience in the courtyard of Dublin Castle. It was a day which will forever be remembered and a huge part of my year. 
  • This year also saw new people come into our life. People who quickly became great friends. Canvassing for Yes Equality had a huge part to play and was also one of the highlights of 2015 for me.
  • 2015 saw me return to my studies briefly as I qualified as a CELTA certified English language teacher. Something I had wanted to do for a long time this was a huge achievement for me this year. I also taught myself to play the ukulele and I passed my driving test!
  • Getting back into blogging was a big part of late 2015, to be continued in 2016!
And there you have it, the best bits of 2015! What were your highlights?

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