Friday 11 December 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 30: Fin

by Dani Mc Mahon

Here I sit on a cold Friday night in December, Christmas music playing in the background. I went for coffee with my beautiful other half earlier. We discussed future plans which are still shining brightly in my mind. 
Starting this thirty day challenge was something I took on hoping to improve my writing and create some good blogging habits. And I feel I have done both. 
Being the type of person who feels passionate about many different things, often all at once, I regularly start projects and then never finish them. I leave them hanging in limbo. Half written, half drawn, have painted. This challenge also served as a way to prove to myself that I am indeed capable of actually finishing what I start. And that is something really beautiful. 
I finish this '30 Day Blog Challenge' happy and content. Ready to finish those abandoned projects and move forward with my blog. 
So here's to new beginnings and continued success! 

P.S Keep popping by to have a read. The challenge my be finished but I am just getting started! 

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