Wednesday 30 December 2015

2015: A Year in Review

by Dani Mc Mahon

As this year comes to an end I begin to look back on the events in my life this year which shaped 2015 into the year that was. As with every year, I find that when you think back quickly about what you achieved or the positives aspects of your life this year it is always so much easier to make a list of the negative things which happened. In order to actually make a list of positive things and achievements you need to sit down, take out a pen and paper and write. I did just that this evening and so here I am, sharing the highlights of my 2015. I left out the negative bits and included pictures of the good bits instead.
  • Living at the sea-side: 2015 was our first full year in our apartment by the sea. The spring and summer months were blissful. The weather was not particularly spectacular (I mean we are taking about Ireland!) but the dry days combined with long evenings and the occasional spell of sunshine meant we had the perfect setting for evening beach walks and Sunday morning hikes. Of course the real highlight was getting to share all of this with my other half which was the cherry on top of the cake.
  • Celebrating our two year wedding anniversary and six years together. How time flies!
  • My mother-in-law and her best friend came to visit this summer for three weeks. It was such a brilliant experience, especially getting to show them where I am from and some of the beauty this little island has to offer. It was also amazing for my mother-in-law to finally get to meet my entire family and spend time with them. One of our best friends also came to visit, so we were busy being hosts!
  • This year was a good one in terms of travel. Barcelona, Lisbon, Paris and Rome all featured as we took off for the summer and a couple of weekend breaks later in the year. Getting to experience such beautiful cities was such a treat.
  • 2015 saw Ireland vote Yes for Marriage Equality. May 23rd is a day I will never forget as I watched the result being called out on that glorious evening to a rainbow clad audience in the courtyard of Dublin Castle. It was a day which will forever be remembered and a huge part of my year. 
  • This year also saw new people come into our life. People who quickly became great friends. Canvassing for Yes Equality had a huge part to play and was also one of the highlights of 2015 for me.
  • 2015 saw me return to my studies briefly as I qualified as a CELTA certified English language teacher. Something I had wanted to do for a long time this was a huge achievement for me this year. I also taught myself to play the ukulele and I passed my driving test!
  • Getting back into blogging was a big part of late 2015, to be continued in 2016!
And there you have it, the best bits of 2015! What were your highlights?

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Burn off some of those Christmas calories!

by Dani Mc Mahon

Christmas is a time of indulgence. There are plenty of occasions and almost all of them involve food of some sort. Boxes of chocolates and biscuits seem to be never ending as they make the rounds and laziness leads to a lack of effort in the food department. By the time you are ready to celebrate New Years too are sick to the back teeth of eating and drinking and the festivities have not even ended yet.
Getting yourself off the couch or actually finding a sprinkle of motivation seem like impossible feats of willpower and the weather of course does not help either!
Fear not, there is a solution. Some people are born with a talent for dancing, the rest of us bop along like grannies at a wedding hands going ninety with our feet planted to the ground. However, in the dark with music blaring even the worst dancers could give J-Lo a run for her money. There is nothing like darkness to dispel your inhibitions and give you the confidence you need to let your body go with the music.
So if you are looking an easy way to burn off a few calories you know what to do, turn up the music, turn off the lights and get your ass moving! To take away the stress and anxiety of actually having to find something to dance to I have generously decided to share my own 'Dancing in the Dark' playlist with you, know you really have no excuse! Get your ass off the couch and get moving!

Tuesday 22 December 2015

When Sex and the City gives you food for thought...

by Dani Mc Mahon

Watching a television series can sometimes serve as a modern day version of therapy. Emerging ourselves in the lives of the characters and living vicariously through them allows us the time and space we need to unwind and relax, taking a time-out from our busy lives.
The flip side to this is that you do, inevitably, end up becoming attached to the characters in your favourite shows and you feel as though you are entitled to your opinion on what is happening in their lives on screen.
Sex and the City was hailed as a one of the kind show when it debuted. Showing a side of female sexuality and friendship which had never before been explored, it showed the world what living in Manhattan as a single woman in your thirties was all about.
Centred around four best friends it was impossible not to feel like you were the invisible fifth member of the group. As a result you felt their pain and sometimes pleasure as they made their way from relationship to relationship, or in Samantha's case, from bed to bed.
Those of you who have watched the series and the subsequent movies will know all about the central relationship between Carrie and Mr. Big. Their love story is one of passion and woe and has more ups and downs than most roller coasters. As an honorary fifth member of the group I often find myself watching and wondering why, oh why, she ever ended up with Big. Let me explain why.
In season three Carries starts dating Aidan, a furniture designer. Aidan is a sensitive guy who loves Carries exactly as she is (minus the smoking, but we won't hold that against him.) Watching their relationship develop it is impossible not to scream at the screen as Carries does everything she can to sabotage their relationship as she is so hung up on Big.
Big is a slightly unavailable, commitment-phone, who does not seem completely comfortable with the real Carrie, so why does she keep running back to him?
Carries herself ponders this is as she sees herself headed down a path of self-destruction but never manages to stop herself.
As I watch Carrie basically destroy her own happiness I always find myself thinking about life in general and wondering if we all do this at some point in our lives? Not just in relationships.
Have you ever found yourself headed towards success, happiness, your goal and then suddenly backing away from it? What is it within us that makes us so afraid of having exactly what we want?
Having thought about it for a while I have come to the conclusion that we all may have developed a fear, maybe not obviously, of achieving everything why have ever aimed towards and then being rendered useless.
Carrie is a perfect example of this as she settles, for what I perceive to be, a mediocre relationship. Perhaps she too was living what many will come to live, a fear of having the perfect life and then falling into an anti-climax.
Is there a way to stop this? Of course there is, we simply have to keep setting goals. Imagine our lives as a game where you complete level after level increasing the difficulty as you go.
With this in mind perhaps it is time to start making some new, realistic goals for the New Year?
What does your list of goals for the 2016 look like?

Thursday 17 December 2015

Express yourself, let yourself live niche free!

by Dani Mc Mahon
As most of you know I recently finished the 30 Day Blog Challenge which I set myself in October. I set myself the challenge as I had gotten lazy with my writing. As with many things, life simply gets in the way and suddenly the things you once loved doing are kicked to the curb in favour of having lazy evenings in and heading to bed early. Now that I have finished the 30 Day Challenge I have most definitely created some good writing habits for myself.
Over the past couple of months I have read a lot of articles about become a blogger and following that through to become a successful one. All of these article seem to have a common thread of advice linking them all to each other: find your niche!
I feel like over the past decade or so we have all advanced so much in so many ways. Society is a (mostly) more accepting place now than it was years ago and people seem to feel freer to be who they really are. It does seem however the all this freedom of self is causing a new problem: over categorising.
On your Facebook profile you are asked about your religious and political views, your marital status, what type of music and books you like, your favourite quote! Heading to college you are asked to put yourself into a subject themed box, science, humanities, arts, engineering. Even when it comes to clothes you are labelled: rocker, punk, hipster, preppy. Then it comes to something like writing, a hobby for many and a love for some. you are again asked to put yourself into a box. Narrow yourself down so that readers can avoid accidentally straying from their chosen path, because god forbid they might discover something new and feel the need to re-assign themselves.
In my life in general there are only two things that I will always identify: female and lesbian. The rest of me is subject to change. If I see a hipster outfit and decide to wear it that does not mean that tomorrow you won't see me dressed head to toe in black. This time last year I worked in pensions, this year I am an English teacher. Life is ever changing and our surroundings are not fixed or permanent.
So why is it necessary for me to establish a niche when I myself do not confine myself to being part of one particular niche. What ever happened to individuality? So here I am rebelling against all of those advice articles and establishing myself as niche-less. I am expressing my right to write about what ever the hell I like depending on my mood, location, and the people around me.
Here is to being niche-less, writing wild and free!
And so ends my rant, I feel refreshed now and ready to head a see the new Star Wars movie!
May the force be with you!

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Ten Myths about Lesbians: Dispelled!

by Dani Mc Mahon

'What would it be like to be a man/woman/baby/dog etc?'
Have you ever had that fleeting thought while you're going about your day? Guys think it would be fun to have boobs, ladies think it would be difficult to buy skinny jeans with a bulk between their legs. We all think life you be so relaxing if we were to trade places with the family dog. Are these thoughts true or are they merely myths? Today I want to dispel some common myths about lesbians which people very often take as fact.

1. Living together is all rainbows and fairy dust.
Just because we are both girls does not mean that we live like friends in a frat house! We live like any other couple. House hold chores, cooking, paying the bills, all those things still happen just like in any other relationship.

2. All lesbians are feminists who hate men.
I'm just a regular feminist who has no problem with men. Just because we don't want to sleep with men does no mean we hate them.

3. We all have short hair and wear flannel.
Putting all lesbians in the same box will only cause problems. Just like there are many different types of people and styles of clothing for straight people there are for lesbians too. Remember, each person is an individual with their own individual style!

4. All lesbians are vegetarians.
I am not really sure where this myth originated. I myself was a vegetarian long before I realised or owned up to the fact that I was gay. In my experience there are just as many straight vegetarians out there as there are lesbian ones.

5. All lesbians remain friends with their exes.
Most definitely not true. Of course there are a lot of ladies who do stay friends with their exes but it is not true for everyone, talk about making life complicated!

6. In a lesbian relationship someone has to be 'the man'.
The point of being a lesbian is that in your relationship there is no man! Equality is key and everything falls into place accordingly!

7. They just haven't met the right man.
Oh please! Believe it or believe it not, amazing sex with a man will not turn a lesbian straight!

8. All butch lesbians want to be men.
False. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Having a masculine appearance and sleeping with women does not a trans gender person make.

9. We find all women attractive.
Let me assure that just like everybody else lesbians have types too. I like girls with brown eyes and dark hair. My wife likes girls with blue eyes and fair hair. Just because you have boobs does not mean I am going to be madly attracted to you, sorry!

10. We U-Haul and then it all goes to pot.
The joke is that lesbians fall in love hard and fast and by the third date the moving van is full and the day has arrived. Things fizzle shortly after this and then its all over. Take it from me this is not the case. There are plenty of examples of lesbian couples who are in it for the long haul, myself and my wife included.

Thanks for reading!

Friday 11 December 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 30: Fin

by Dani Mc Mahon

Here I sit on a cold Friday night in December, Christmas music playing in the background. I went for coffee with my beautiful other half earlier. We discussed future plans which are still shining brightly in my mind. 
Starting this thirty day challenge was something I took on hoping to improve my writing and create some good blogging habits. And I feel I have done both. 
Being the type of person who feels passionate about many different things, often all at once, I regularly start projects and then never finish them. I leave them hanging in limbo. Half written, half drawn, have painted. This challenge also served as a way to prove to myself that I am indeed capable of actually finishing what I start. And that is something really beautiful. 
I finish this '30 Day Blog Challenge' happy and content. Ready to finish those abandoned projects and move forward with my blog. 
So here's to new beginnings and continued success! 

P.S Keep popping by to have a read. The challenge my be finished but I am just getting started! 

Thursday 10 December 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 29: The best dinner party that there ever was...

by Dani Mc Mahon

Day 29: List ten people, living or dead that you would invite to a dinner party. Include the menu.

This seems like a straightforward, easy thing to do but it isn't.
When you have a significant other and three siblings you have already taken up half the seats at the fictitious table. So, to avoid offending anybody I am setting an extra four places at the table to accommodate my wife and siblings.

Now lets get down to business, the guest list:
(in no particular order)

  • Audrey Hepburn
  • J.K Rowling
  • Albert Einstein
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Jane Austen
  • Meryl Streep
  • Buddha
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Ellen DeGeneres

I picked a fairly mixed bunch. After all, what is a dinner party without a heated discussion or two? As long there is no throwing of food we should be okay. 
Next, the menu. This is an almost impossible feat. I have picked people to come and dine with us from all corners of the globe so I have tried to encompass every bodies tastes. 

Here we go!

Who would you invite to you dinner party?

Tuesday 8 December 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 28: Write a letter to somebody, anybody.

by Dani Mc Mahon

Letter writing, a dying art unfortunately. With the rise of social networking and email the humble letter has been sent packing, which is such a pity. Over the years I have received many a letter and the joy opening the envelope to find a hand written note was such a wonderful experience. Sending and receiving letters was such a personal experience, though email is practical and much quicker than writing a letter you do lose out on the personal aspect.
The challenge today was to write a letter to somebody, anybody. I was inspired coming home on the train and chose the most random letter recipient imaginable!

Are there any of you out there who still send letters to friends? I have one ready to pop in the post tomorrow. Sometimes you really can't beat pen and paper!

Friday 4 December 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 27: Top Ten Christmas Movies

by Dani Mc Mahon

So it looks as though there may be some terrible weather about to hit us here on the Emerald Isle this weekend. If you don't have any prior engagements, this little storm presents you with the perfect opportunity to get to work watching the top ten Christmas movies on this list!
Hot chocolate and fluffy socks at the ready as we start the countdown...

#10 The Polar Express
This is a movie which you either love or hate. I love it, the animation is amazing as is the story line. Maybe not the ideal children's movie as some scenes are a little dark. Nevertheless, it really brings home the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks does a superb job in this Christmas favourite.

#9 The Grinch
Dr. Seuss calls out to all those Grinch's yelling 'bah humbug' at this time of year in this funny family classic. Jim Carey looks absolutely revolting as the Grinch but the gorgeous Christmas setting kind of takes away from that...kind of.

#8 Elf
I was really hesitant about watching this movie. I am not usually a fan of Will Ferrell. The sense of humour in his movies normally doesn't do anything for me but this is the exception. I ended up really enjoying this film which really mixes a bizarre storyline with the magic of Christmas.

#7 The Family Stone
Sarah Jessica Parker, Rachel Mc Adams and Diane Keaton in one movie? SOLD!
This rom com is set on Christmas Eve and Day and has some absolutely hilarious moments. Some of the scenes are little far-fetched but I think it shows just how crazy Christmas can be. Having families in confined spaces there are so many personalities and opinions roaming around they are bound to knock into each other at some point. Great movie but do keep a tissue near, the end is a bit of a tear jerker!

#6 Home Alone 2
Set in New York, at Christmas time, what's not to love? Not quite as funny as the original but it certainly gives it a run for its money. Something fun to watch with all the family over the festive season.

#5 Love Actually
I know, I know. Most people cringe when see this come up on the T.V guide but I just love it! It is just so Christmassy and the stories are mad. Plenty of laughs to be had as you watch this one. Features some fantastic British actors too.

#4 Arthur Christmas
 This is hands down one of the best animated movies I have ever seen. Such a fantastic story, it follows Arthur who has a passion for Christmas but is unbelievable clumsy. A real feel good movie, this is a brilliant one for all ages.

#3 The Holiday
Another rom com, and boy is it a good one. Kate Winslet is brilliant in this festive feature. Perfect for a Christmas evening in with a box of chocolates and a cup of tea.

#2 Home Alone
For many years I refused to watch this movie. To this day I am not entirely sure why. About four years ago my wife spent her first Christmas in Ireland and insisted that we watch it. I was amazed. I couldn't believe I had been missing out for so long. Hilarious in all the right places, this is an absolute must watch this Christmas!

#1 The Santa Clause
My all-time favourite. This brings back so many memories of watching it on telly in the run up to Christmas as a child. It is safe to say I have watched this movies every year since its release in the early nineties and it just never gets old. The spirit of Christmas just radiates from the screen as you watch and there are plenty of laughs too.

And there you have it! Do you have any Christmas favourites that you would add to the list?

Wednesday 2 December 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 26: How to...go Christmas shopping

by Dani Mc Mahon

Ah December, I thought I heard you jingle into town!
I cannot lie, Christmas is possibly my favourite time of year. The twinkling lights, the colours and getting to spend more time than usual with the people you hold dear make the festive season one to love.
Last weekend, we decided to get our Christmas shopping done early. Being the practical people that we are, we figured we could get this done in a single weekend. I know, I know, it seems at first to be an impossible feat but one which we successfully accomplished!
I know there are many of you who would rather have your teeth pulled than head out into the wilds of Christmas shopping madness but if you follow this simple guide you could have your shopping done, wrapped and ready for giving in a single weekend leaving you with more time to socialise coming up to Christmas Day. You will feel less stressed too, which is always nice, isn't it?

Stage One: The night before the big shop.
What you will need:
  • Comfortable pyjamas
  • Christmas music
  • Snacks
  • Notebook/paper
  • Pen
  • Get into your pyjamas, get comfy it will reduce the stress and make it easier to get your festive head on. 
  • Pop on the Christmas tunes, even the biggest Grinch out there cannot help singing along to 'All I Want for Christmas is You.'
  • Start with a list of recipients, who are you giving to this year, do you have a 'Secret Santa' thing happening at work/school/in the family?
  • Set your budget, you may need to make categories for this.
  • Beside each of the names on your list, keeping your budget in mind, start brain storming some ideas. Think about what the person is into, is there anything you know they need or really want (within your budget).
  • Once you have the brain storming done think of the shops you will need to go to. If you have decided for definite on a present for someone and you know where to go to get it then make those presents the priority, this will quicken the process. 
  • Check wrapping supplies, add them to the list if necessary. 
  • Set times and meeting points for:
    • leaving
    • brunch/lunch
    • coffee break
    • emergencies (if you get lost in waves of shoppers)
    • home time
  • Now get a good night's sleep!
Stage Two: The morning of the main event.
  • Fuel up!! Have a good breakfast, it could be awhile until you eat again. Take it easy on the liquids though, try and strike a balance so that you are not dehydrated but also that you do not waste half your day in line for the toilet!
  • Dress appropriately, today is not the day to channel your inner Lady Gaga. Keep it casual, comfy but not sloppy. 
  • Wear something comfortable and well broken in on your feet. There is nothing worse than getting blisters when you have to be on your feet all day so be wise with your choice of footwear.
  • Make sure you have all your lists and money/cards sorted before you leave the house.
Stage Three: The main event.
  • Stay focused, follow your plan and do not deviate, there will be time to look around idly after you have bought the presents. 
  • Try to avoid punching people who stop mid isle to chat, violence will not get you anywhere and will more than likely be counter productive.
  • Keep ALL of your receipts.
  • Keep tabs on money and time.
  • Have a decent lunch, again, easy on the liquids, you still have a while to go before you get home.
Stage Four: Home at last.
  • Relief, you have survived the shopping! Now for the wrapping. 
  • If you need to have some dinner before you begin,
  • Get back into your comfy pyjamas, put those Christmas tunes back on.
  • Get wrapping! Make sure you have sticky tape and a scissors at the ready.
Stage Five: The end of the day.
  • Put on your favourite Christmas movie.
  • Put your feet up.
  • Admire all of the beautifully wrapped presents sitting under your tree.
  • Give yourself a pat on the back, you have officially survived Christmas shopping!
And there you have it. It's as simple as that, folks!