Thursday 19 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 21: Movie Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part Two

by Dani Mc Mahon

Movie Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part Two

Jennifer Lawrence made herself known when she was cast as Katniss Everdeen, the unsuspecting heroine of The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. A series which looks at the trials and tribulations of a dystopian society and the struggle of the people to free themselves from their evil and oppressive leader, Everdeen rises like a phoenix from the ashes. 
Mockingjay, Part Two is the final instalment in a four movie run, part one having been released around this time last year. 

Having read the books I can say that the third book, for me, was more than dragged out. It felt as though nothing much really happened until three quarters of the way through and the ending left much to be desired. The movie was no different. 
The previous three instalments were full of action packed scenes, a storyline which kept you captivated and a possible love triangle which featured Miss Everdeen at the centre. The forth movie was action packed and there was indeed a hint at a little love triangle but the storyline wavered and in the end died out pretty quickly providing an ending which can only be described as a total anti-climax. 

The special effects and stunts performed throughout the movie were impressive as was the acting which really never faltered. 
I know some people will say; 'If you didn't enjoy the book, why see the movie?' I feel that when you start reading or watching a trilogy, series, etc. you become somewhat invested and following the characters through to the end seems non-optional. I realise I am perhaps being a little harsh, the movie did of course have good points, some funny lines and as I said before star performances from some big names. 

The ending just left a hollowness, an emptiness caused by dissatisfaction, but then when the storyline is based on a dystopian reality what more could you expect. However, I felt as though the incredible journey that Katniss, and indeed Peeta, had been on was so poorly reflected in the ending. It was sweet, yes. Had it been a Nora Ephron rom-com I would have cried tears of joy to see such a perfect little family unit but in this case I wanted the gutsy heroine to be just that. To have her time of glory. For her to see the new world she had played such a huge part in creating and it just seemed not to happen. Of course this could have been the plan of the author all along it just came as such a disjointed ending to such a dramatic trilogy. 

However, if you are considering going to see the movie because you have been watching since day one, then of course, you must go. 

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