Tuesday 3 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 16: Apps you cannot live without and why.

by Dani Mc Mahon

Five years ago mobile technology differed pretty drastically compared to what we are used to nowadays. Apps were something foreign to us and text messages and phone calls were still our primary forms of communication. 
Now we have everything at our fingertips, quite literally, and communication as taken on a life of its own. From your smartphone you can manage pretty much all aspects of your life. Keeping in touch with friends and family near and far is no longer an ordeal, although personal privacy has taken quite the hit. 

My phone is rarely more than an arm’s length away from me and here are the apps which I just can't live without:

1. Instagram: this app is for sharing pictures. As I am a visual person I really enjoy scrolling through pictures on this great little app. The filters are varied and editing your own photos is not at all difficult making this app quick and practical to use, especially when you are on the go.

2. Pinterest: another visual app, there is more to the visual facade than meets the eye. Filled with ideas, inspiration, quotes, art and much, much more this app allows you to make boards where you can pin things that you come across. Some of my boards include; 'For the future house' and 'Things I love'. This app can be made a little more social by adding friends but even without that social aspect this app will keep you intrigued for hours.

3. My Fitness Pal: this lifestyle app allows you to count your calories in a casual way. There are no annoying reminders or notifications and when you are logging your food there is a huge database. The app also includes a bar code scanner which is really handy at home or away. An easy way to keep on top of you calorie intake, should you be that way inclined.

4. Pou: I cannot tell you how many times I have seen a Mom hand her phone over to an agitated child with Pou open on the screen. Pou is basically a virtual alien pet that you have to look after. You might say it is the modern day Tamagotchi. This app boasts an impressive selection of the most popular games, thirty-two in total. You can also customise your Pou by naming them, and choosing from hundreds of accessories and outfits to build their own little personality. A great app when you are stuck with nothing to do or travelling and looking for something to entertain you. Let the big kid in you dictate this download, you won't regret it. 

5. Duolingo: an app which helps you learn pretty much any language of your choice it covers mostly vocabulary and grammar. An excellent accompaniment if you are taking language classes or living abroad. The interface for this app is very appealing and does not target a set demographic making it accessible to all ages. 

6. Map My Walk/Run: a recently acquired app for me I have only used it a few times when out for a walk or run. GPS allows the app to follow you on your route and by keeping an eye on the time it also calculates the calories burned and your average pace per mile or kilometre. Using the online app you can also create your own route, this route is then available for use on your mobile app. This feature is great when you have only a certain amount of time or for distance training.

In my experience these six apps have really served me well and in most cases play a practical part in my life. Give them a try and see what you think. 

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