Wednesday 11 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 19: Three Favourite Words

by Dani Mahon

1. a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

Above is just one of many meanings for 'word'. Our daily lives are full of these magical things. They form the basis of our communication system and indeed construct so much of the world around us. Words are created and brought into use by a global consensus. Whether written or spoken each language is bound together by the use of words and subsequent formation of sentences which lead to conversations, books, poems, speeches, scripts, songs, shouting matches, cheering, blogs, Facebook statuses and much, much, more. The challenge today was to share with you three of my favourite words. Most of us utilise the same vocabulary day in day out and sometime is it nice to discover something new, like these words below:

I came across this word only recently while on Pinterest. It caught my attention as it is a word which so aptly describes how many of us feel at times in our lives. Not listed in most dictionaries it is a word in progress, but a good one nonetheless.
How many times have you taken a seat at your desk in work and had the feeling described by this huge word?
How often have you been outdoors or on holiday and felt this urge to have this kind of freedom in your life as a constant?
A ridiculously long yet fitting word, I'm sure you will remember it the next time you experiencing a bit of eleutheromania.

Many, many months ago this word showed up in a list of never used words that I was reading, I'm not going to lie, probably on Pinterest.
I thought it so amusing that this action should actually have a word of its own and found it rather entertaining.
A word which I am sure is rarely used, it would be a welcome addition to any dubious villain's vocabulary as his victim would never know what was coming.
Another word I am sure many of us will never have the chance to use it is one of my favourites none the less.

Many moons ago I worked in a shop at a petrol station. I usually worked the Sunday morning shift alongside my best friend. Sunday mornings were always busy as people flocked in to buy their morning papers. Most of the clientele of a Sunday morning were men who were up and out early and always very forthcoming with their compliments.
One particular Sunday I very well dressed man entered and told us that we were two lovely girls and that we were looking rather salubrious.
We did the usual appreciative smile and said thank you, as it would be rude not to take the compliment. During a quick break in the stockroom I looked up the meaning of the word online. Since then I find this word to be one of my favourites and you would be surprised how often you can slip it into a sentence, practically unnoticed.

There you have it, three words which are among my favourites. Do you have any favourite words?

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