Sunday 29 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 25: Ten things you love about your significant other...

by Dani Mc Mahon

After taking a couple of days off from blogging to pass my driving test, put up our Christmas tree, watch The Late Late Toy Show and do ALL of our Christmas shopping I am back!
The challenge today, ten things you love about your significant other, here they are:

Enough said <3

Wednesday 25 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 24: Share your baby pictures...

by Dani Mc Mahon

The title of this blog says it all :)

The first picture was taken a couple of weeks after I arrived to this world.
The second features me sporting a rather dashing Post Man Pat jumper and crazy hair to go with that crazy expression!
The third picture shows me channelling my inner fashionista. I am rocking the floral pattern and jump suit. The hair just finishes the outfit off perfectly.

Feel free to share some of your baby pictures with us!

Monday 23 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 23: 5 Celebrities You Find Attractive...

by Dani Mc Mahon

We have all answered the question at some point or another. Who would be your dream celebrity date, which Hollywood star do you think would be the best person to date, marry, etc.
Attraction to a celebrity can be based on something as simple as how a person does the hair, how they dress or their accent. So here are the five celebrities that I find most attractive.

Drew Barrymore on The Ellen Show

Meryl Streep on The Ellen Show

Emma Watson on The Ellen Show

Keira Knightley on The Graham Norton Show

Julia Roberts on The Ellen Show

Each name has a link to an interview that I love, enjoy!

Which celebrities make your list?

Saturday 21 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 22: Coffee for Beginners

by Dani Mc Mahon

Decaff soy latte, extra shot, no foam, three pumps of vanilla.
Coffee, for many people functioning depends entirely upon it and its qualities. We have all become so accustomed to seeing people wandering around with their take away coffees and teas. Most coffee shops have cups especially designed, spurred by the famous Starbucks cup. As the winter hits hard the amount of take away coffee cups gracing peoples hands will only increase. So what happens to those who really dread ordering a coffee because so much of the menu quite honestly looks like double dutch?
Fear not, I have come to help because just like you I was that poor soldier. That's right ladies and gents, I was that girl petrified standing in front of a barista asking my name who did not know how to order a coffee. I have come a long way since my first daunting experience but it is still not an enjoyable experience as coffee drinking seems to become more complicated as the years go on and the menu changes in accordance with the seasons.
So, let us go through the basic types of espresso based coffee:

Of course once you have chosen the type of coffee you have to choose the type of milk. This task is pretty basic, I usually go for skimmed or soy because that it what I use at home but you can pretty much ask for any type of milk you like which was something I found reassuring.

Then you have all the syrups, again, depending on preference you can ask for a syrup to be added to your coffee, or not, as you wish. I sometimes ask for a pump of vanilla, which quite simply put means they squirt a little vanilla syrup into the coffee for you.

I'm not a cream person but should you be that way inclined you can of course ask for that on top of everything too.

During the warmer months you will also see the menu has a section for frappes. This is basically your coffee order blended with ice, and during the summer it is oh so good. Of course there are also frappes which actually do not contain coffee, just amazing flavours. More on that closer to frappe weather!

And there you have it, a guide which should help alleviate the stress when ordering a coffee and prevent you from having palpitations every-time you walk past a coffee shop and see all the lovely people enjoying their coffee which you previously could not fathom ordering.

Now, go join the revolution, coffee needs you! 

Thursday 19 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 21: Movie Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part Two

by Dani Mc Mahon

Movie Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part Two

Jennifer Lawrence made herself known when she was cast as Katniss Everdeen, the unsuspecting heroine of The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. A series which looks at the trials and tribulations of a dystopian society and the struggle of the people to free themselves from their evil and oppressive leader, Everdeen rises like a phoenix from the ashes. 
Mockingjay, Part Two is the final instalment in a four movie run, part one having been released around this time last year. 

Having read the books I can say that the third book, for me, was more than dragged out. It felt as though nothing much really happened until three quarters of the way through and the ending left much to be desired. The movie was no different. 
The previous three instalments were full of action packed scenes, a storyline which kept you captivated and a possible love triangle which featured Miss Everdeen at the centre. The forth movie was action packed and there was indeed a hint at a little love triangle but the storyline wavered and in the end died out pretty quickly providing an ending which can only be described as a total anti-climax. 

The special effects and stunts performed throughout the movie were impressive as was the acting which really never faltered. 
I know some people will say; 'If you didn't enjoy the book, why see the movie?' I feel that when you start reading or watching a trilogy, series, etc. you become somewhat invested and following the characters through to the end seems non-optional. I realise I am perhaps being a little harsh, the movie did of course have good points, some funny lines and as I said before star performances from some big names. 

The ending just left a hollowness, an emptiness caused by dissatisfaction, but then when the storyline is based on a dystopian reality what more could you expect. However, I felt as though the incredible journey that Katniss, and indeed Peeta, had been on was so poorly reflected in the ending. It was sweet, yes. Had it been a Nora Ephron rom-com I would have cried tears of joy to see such a perfect little family unit but in this case I wanted the gutsy heroine to be just that. To have her time of glory. For her to see the new world she had played such a huge part in creating and it just seemed not to happen. Of course this could have been the plan of the author all along it just came as such a disjointed ending to such a dramatic trilogy. 

However, if you are considering going to see the movie because you have been watching since day one, then of course, you must go. 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 20: Random things I found online today

by Dani Mc Mahon

This weekend was a whirlwind of things. A beautiful wedding in Portugal and an unfortunate tummy bug have really wiped me out. So here I sit, in my bed, where I have been perched all day with my computer. After watching 'The Parent Trap' and 'Notting Hill' I started to wander and here are some of the places I ended up:

There is a storm coming, so why not brighten up your evening with these hilarious puns:

Eggs, they come fried, scramble, poached, runny, boiled. Check out these egg moulds and see how you can really shake up your eggs!

You all know Oprah, right? Well she has a YouTube channel, part of this channel is a feature she does called Master Class. This is basically a pretty intimate interview with celebrities from all over which shows them as people. Below is the link to Ellen DeGeneres' Master Class.

One of my go to sites online when I have time to kill is always The Ellen Show's YouTube channel, full of hilarious interviews and the best guests. Today I ended up watching five or six interviews with Diane Keaton which were absolutely comical!

Last, but not least, to start the build up to Christmas:

Where do you go when you wander online?

Wednesday 11 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 19: Three Favourite Words

by Dani Mahon

1. a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

Above is just one of many meanings for 'word'. Our daily lives are full of these magical things. They form the basis of our communication system and indeed construct so much of the world around us. Words are created and brought into use by a global consensus. Whether written or spoken each language is bound together by the use of words and subsequent formation of sentences which lead to conversations, books, poems, speeches, scripts, songs, shouting matches, cheering, blogs, Facebook statuses and much, much, more. The challenge today was to share with you three of my favourite words. Most of us utilise the same vocabulary day in day out and sometime is it nice to discover something new, like these words below:

I came across this word only recently while on Pinterest. It caught my attention as it is a word which so aptly describes how many of us feel at times in our lives. Not listed in most dictionaries it is a word in progress, but a good one nonetheless.
How many times have you taken a seat at your desk in work and had the feeling described by this huge word?
How often have you been outdoors or on holiday and felt this urge to have this kind of freedom in your life as a constant?
A ridiculously long yet fitting word, I'm sure you will remember it the next time you experiencing a bit of eleutheromania.

Many, many months ago this word showed up in a list of never used words that I was reading, I'm not going to lie, probably on Pinterest.
I thought it so amusing that this action should actually have a word of its own and found it rather entertaining.
A word which I am sure is rarely used, it would be a welcome addition to any dubious villain's vocabulary as his victim would never know what was coming.
Another word I am sure many of us will never have the chance to use it is one of my favourites none the less.

Many moons ago I worked in a shop at a petrol station. I usually worked the Sunday morning shift alongside my best friend. Sunday mornings were always busy as people flocked in to buy their morning papers. Most of the clientele of a Sunday morning were men who were up and out early and always very forthcoming with their compliments.
One particular Sunday I very well dressed man entered and told us that we were two lovely girls and that we were looking rather salubrious.
We did the usual appreciative smile and said thank you, as it would be rude not to take the compliment. During a quick break in the stockroom I looked up the meaning of the word online. Since then I find this word to be one of my favourites and you would be surprised how often you can slip it into a sentence, practically unnoticed.

There you have it, three words which are among my favourites. Do you have any favourite words?

Sunday 8 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 18: Your Favourite Television Series

by Dani Mc Mahon

Television series have an awful habit of captivating their audiences and before you know it your life has been forgotten, you rarely leave your house and instead of thinking about how your friends and family are doing you are only thinking of your favourite characters. 
The invention of Netflix exasperated the situation beyond repair and now the number of box set addicts has risen to the point of no return. Series provide us with the escape we need from the real world to give ourselves time to regroup, contemplate and go on our way once again.
Box set addiction becomes particularly probable around this time of year as staying in becomes the norm. I too have fallen victim to box set addiction on more than one occasion, here are some of my favourite shows:

1. Friends: an absolute classic. Airing first in 1994, this American sitcom revolves around the lives of six young twenty-somethings living in New York. Spanning over a decade of their lives this show paints a picture of what it is to go through your twenties and into your thirties. Comedy, romance and serious undertones feature as the audience becomes completely enthralled. A must watch from start to finish.

2. Grey's Anatomy: still going strong in its twelfth season the show centres on the main character, Meredith Grey. Set in a busy Seattle hospital this show has more drama than any other, Many of the storylines are quite farfetched which makes it even more enticing as it really is a break from reality. For many of the episodes you may want to have a box of tissues close by. Starting this series from the very beginning as jumping in the middle would be ill-advised, it would not make an iota of sense!

3. Orange is the New Black: set in Litchfield Penitentiary and based on a true story, we follow Piper Chapman as she serves time for drugs offences. With an almost all female cast this show has a pretty strong theme of female power and love flowing through it. With some pretty crazy storylines and even crazier main characters this Netflix series with have you captivated and begging for more after the first episode!  

4. The L Word: normally a series such as this would only appear on niche lists for the LGBT community, which is a crying shame. Based in LA this series is jam packed with drama. With brilliantly written storylines and characters which are excellently developed. It allows you into the lives and dramas of this tight knit LGBT group of people. Something which normally isn't shown on primetime television. The highs and lows of their personal and professional lives will have you hooked in no time! It is like Sex and the City but with a twist! 

5 Sex and the City: drama, sex, friendship and comedy. What more could one want? Carrie Bradshaw is the main protagonist in this New York based series. A struggling writer her and her three best friends show us what it is to live and love in one of the most amazing cities in the world. The show is also jam packed full of (sometimes questionable) fashion and will make you feel like packing your bags and moving to New York in the morning.

6. United States of Tara: taken off the air in 2011 this show followed the lives of an ordinary suburban family living with a mother suffering from multiple personality disorder. A really interesting and often hilarious watch fans were devastated when it disappeared from our screens after only three short seasons.

What are some of your favourites? 

Thursday 5 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 17: Autumnal favourites.

by Dani Mc Mahon

Autumn and winter have always been my favourite seasons. There is something so cosy and warm about them. Being indoors while the elements rage outside fills me with a kind of peace and reassurance. To get me through autumn and into winter here are a few of my favourite things:

Clothing: summer clothing has never been my thing. I love all things warm and long sleeved. My autumnal clothing favourites are simple yet essential. My navy coat keeps out the wind, rain and looks amazing too. Coupled with my plaid scarf and quite often wellie boots (this is Ireland after all) they are the staple of my autumnal wardrobe. Oh, and don't forget the fluffy socks!

Drinks: you cannot beat a cup of Irish tea on an autumn evening, it gives that sense of homeliness and warmth. When I am out my preferences are a misty chai latte or vanilla rooibos tea. Hot beverages are the saviour of autumn as the air becomes crisp.

Movies: the summer is a time to be outside, the evenings are bright and there are usually so many things going on. Autumn is cooler and darker. Leaving your house and your fluffy socks does not seem so appealing but sitting in to watch a good movie does. My ultimate autumn movies which I could watch time and time again are:

(don't judge me, I love a good romantic comedy!)

Books: this list changes a lot depending on my mood but if you have time on your hands these books will go down a treat with a cuppa by the fire:

And there you have it, some of my autumnal favourites, what are yours?

Tuesday 3 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 16: Apps you cannot live without and why.

by Dani Mc Mahon

Five years ago mobile technology differed pretty drastically compared to what we are used to nowadays. Apps were something foreign to us and text messages and phone calls were still our primary forms of communication. 
Now we have everything at our fingertips, quite literally, and communication as taken on a life of its own. From your smartphone you can manage pretty much all aspects of your life. Keeping in touch with friends and family near and far is no longer an ordeal, although personal privacy has taken quite the hit. 

My phone is rarely more than an arm’s length away from me and here are the apps which I just can't live without:

1. Instagram: this app is for sharing pictures. As I am a visual person I really enjoy scrolling through pictures on this great little app. The filters are varied and editing your own photos is not at all difficult making this app quick and practical to use, especially when you are on the go.

2. Pinterest: another visual app, there is more to the visual facade than meets the eye. Filled with ideas, inspiration, quotes, art and much, much more this app allows you to make boards where you can pin things that you come across. Some of my boards include; 'For the future house' and 'Things I love'. This app can be made a little more social by adding friends but even without that social aspect this app will keep you intrigued for hours.

3. My Fitness Pal: this lifestyle app allows you to count your calories in a casual way. There are no annoying reminders or notifications and when you are logging your food there is a huge database. The app also includes a bar code scanner which is really handy at home or away. An easy way to keep on top of you calorie intake, should you be that way inclined.

4. Pou: I cannot tell you how many times I have seen a Mom hand her phone over to an agitated child with Pou open on the screen. Pou is basically a virtual alien pet that you have to look after. You might say it is the modern day Tamagotchi. This app boasts an impressive selection of the most popular games, thirty-two in total. You can also customise your Pou by naming them, and choosing from hundreds of accessories and outfits to build their own little personality. A great app when you are stuck with nothing to do or travelling and looking for something to entertain you. Let the big kid in you dictate this download, you won't regret it. 

5. Duolingo: an app which helps you learn pretty much any language of your choice it covers mostly vocabulary and grammar. An excellent accompaniment if you are taking language classes or living abroad. The interface for this app is very appealing and does not target a set demographic making it accessible to all ages. 

6. Map My Walk/Run: a recently acquired app for me I have only used it a few times when out for a walk or run. GPS allows the app to follow you on your route and by keeping an eye on the time it also calculates the calories burned and your average pace per mile or kilometre. Using the online app you can also create your own route, this route is then available for use on your mobile app. This feature is great when you have only a certain amount of time or for distance training.

In my experience these six apps have really served me well and in most cases play a practical part in my life. Give them a try and see what you think. 

Monday 2 November 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 15: Your day in pictures

by Dani Mc Mahon

The challenge was to document a day in your life visually. I documented parts of both Saturday and Sunday and my weekend looked something like this:

Up early on Saturday, no lie-on this weekend!

An afternoon coffee followed by an amazing find (my new bag) at a local charity shop. Crunched our way home through the autumn leaves.

There is nothing better than cooking delicious food at home, the sun was pouring through the window casting rainbows on the oven. Decorations and altar are up and ready for Hallowe'en and Dia de Muertos.

Venturing out on All Hallows Eve to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show was a lot of fun!

I had to bring the challenge over to Sunday too as the weather was too beautiful not to share it! Living by the sea definitely has its perks, a six mile cliff walk was the perfect way to finish off the weekend.

And there you have it, my weekend in pictures!