Friday 23 October 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 10: Share a quote you love and why.

by Dani Mc Mahon

When you are a child you wish every day to be a grown-up. You spend infinite amounts of time playing games which require you to act like a grown-up, with an adult life and an adult profession. Everything you are presented with is all aimed towards growing up and what kind of life you are going to create for yourself. 
Once you reach your twenties and the pretending is over you spend your time worrying about whether or not you are filling your role adequately. Suddenly you are speeding through your twenties racing to achieve the things you think you have to before the next big milestone. The quote below is one which appeared to me today and it really spoke to me. 
Why are we all rushing to get to the next level? 
Who are we trying to please? 
What are we trying to prove? 
Maybe we should all follow this advice and sit back and enjoy life. Why rush through and see the amazing world around us as nothing more than a blur? 
We should slow down and take in the view, savour the experiences, feel what it is to live life to the absolute full. 

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