Wednesday 27 May 2015

Ireland Says YES!

The reality of what we, as a nation, did on Friday May 22nd really hasn't quite hit home for me just yet. There was such a huge build up to the referendum, so many statuses, so many conversations, so many dedicated people and so much effort, that seeing the country come out in support of a Yes vote on Friday still feels like something from a dream.

This video sums up what we did, this video shows the world that we are a nation which recognises love and family, irrespective of gender.
I hope that this is the start of a new Ireland, an inclusive and happier place. Where being LGBT will no longer be taboo, or something to feel ashamed of, where we are all free to love who we love and have that love recognised.

I hope that this amazing display of unity will continue within our country for generations to come and that finally we can all move forward, hand in hand, walking on common ground, towards a better and brighter future!! <3

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