Thursday 24 January 2013

The Perks of Being a Watcher

In the whirlwind that was Christmas and getting home to see my family I totally neglected the poor blog.
Now three weeks back to the working routine again I thought it was time to re-enter the blogoshpere and see if my fingers had something interesting to type!
I was reading through an old-ish post last week 'The Perks of Being a Reader,'perhaps it might be a good idea to write a post-viewing opinion to follow on from the pre-viewing one.
While as was at home over the Christmas season we decided one night to pluck up the courage to watch the movie and see for once and for all what it was really like and how it compared to our pre-viewing judgments.
The movie has not been playing for even a minute and we had to make a pact to stay quiet and not be bitchy until we had seen it all. This was not an easy past to conform to!
As the movie played and we were introduced to the characters it was fair to say that my opinion of the casting choice did not become any less doubtful. However, I must admit that the cast members did grow on me in a strange way.
Towards the middle of the movie I had to switch off any images I had of the book and almost disassociate it with the book completely as I was slightly bothered y the fact that some things were not portrayed as they should have been, by the fact that Patrick was not like he should have been and that one of the most important parts of the book (Michael's suicide) was totally forgotten about excepting a quick comment which was not nearly sufficient.
Once I turned off the automatic comparison which was happening in my mind I found myself enjoying the movie much more. At the end I was captivated and very much involved in the story-line, the moment of truth came when I turned back on the automatic comparison and start to discuss the movie with J in a vary detailed fashion.
If you were to compare the movie to the book I might be able to give it a very generous six out of ten. However, if you were judging it purely on its merits as a movie then an eight and a half out of ten could have possibly been reasonable.
It is my opinion that people who had already read the book would have been bitterly disappointed at some of the things which were not portrayed as they should have been. People who had never read the book and had that alternative state of mind would have enjoyed it for its quirky oddities and unique characters (not as unique as in the book mind you!) and the people who had never read the book and did not have that type of mindset would have walked out the cinema nodding their heads and agreeing 'that wasn't bad...'
Perhaps I am being very harsh but that is what I feel that reactions would have been, or should have been.
Having said all of that I did enjoy the movie and I would recommend it to people that I know would appreciate it for its magic and beauty.
My fears of it becoming a teen sensation have subsided since the viewing and I think it is safe to say that Charlie and his letters will remain a treasure with rights reserved for those who have the disposition required to love and appreciate 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' in all its beauty.

D. Mount

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