Tuesday 23 October 2012

I feel pretty and witty and gay!

The pressure has finally landed on my shoulders. The pressure I did not think would land. Having taught in the seem school for a year, achieving goo results with my students I am now drowning in a sea of ridiculous rules, expectations and struggling against the tide of the most ridiculous educational system I have ever seen.
Bringing in this new system was supposed to be innovative but when you have a group of twelve year old who can barely say the names of the body parts correctly it is a little bit difficult to teach them literature, critical analysis, independent thinking, science, geography and biology through English.

This marvelous cocktail mixed with a dash of homesickness is doing wonders for my mood, as you can imagine, today is only Monday and I am already counting down to Friday.
The worst thing is and possibly this most effective evidence of my loathing for the system is that on Saturday I will be having surgery to remove a wisdom tooth. When a school system and work load cause a dental extraction to be the highlight of your weekend, there may be something wrong!

On the other hand I have students in another school are fantastic, attentive, interested, fluent in English and willing and wanting to learn, they brighten my day and make me laugh even when the idea of laughing or smiling does not appeal to me!

I am also so fortunate to have the love of my life by my side, healthy, happy and always supporting me and helping me work, inspiring me to do my best even though it may be tough some times. 
Without this gorgeous girl I would be lost. Just like I was 3 years ago before I met her.

I have also been thinking a lot about how accepting the people in a work place would be if they new that my co-worker and I were gay? I read some true life stories on line, I have seen how accepting my girlfriends work place have been but still I wonder whether or not they would be so accepting where I work?
Today one of my students asked if I was available, I told her 'No', she proceeded to ask if I was in a relationship, I replied 'Yes', naturally in a classroom of gossipy girls the questions started and all I wanted to do was scream HER name is J, she is the love of my life and she is the most beautiful person in this world!
I had a similar experience later that day with my other students who wanted to know what is my type, of course they meant what type of boys, or should I say men, I always answer that I have no type. Today they asked who is your favourite artist...physically, I felt it would be inappropriate to say Pink and reveal my true rainbow colours so I said nothing.

Anyway this begs the question, how accepting are people of gay co-workers?


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