Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Winds of Change

My, my, my, what a weekend it has been, emotional roller coasters, great news, big decisions. I will start with the world news first admitting that I was actually quite excited to hear about the birth of the Royal Child, a bouncing baby boy 8lbs 6oz, according to an announcement placed outside Buckingham Palace both mother and baby are doing well. I suppose the next thing to obsess over with be the baby's name and of course the first pictures. I actual found myself wondering, whilst I was reading about the crowds of people camped outside the Maternity hospital, what kind of life this little person if going to have. I know there have been royal children born before and tehy all survived but I feel that maybe with social media and the fact that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have become an iconic couple, this child will be more in the spotlight than any royal child before him. Nevertheless and wish the new parents and their baby boy all the best in life and I hope that our gossip hungry society does not make it too difficult for them. This weekend was quite an emotional one as the prospect of once again living in a long distance relationship became quite likely. Needless to say the emotions which were flying about were ones of despair, sadness and anxiety but they have now all be swept away due t the arrival of the happy news that 'amor a distancia' was not going to be an option! Extremely excited now for our return to my island to experience life together from a different perspective and with different surroundings. This are really wrapping up now, classes have finished, final exams have been done, final presentations presented and flights are in the process of being booked, the biggest and most exciting thing left to do is walking down the isle and signing that precious piece of paper that will join us together forever. This experience of living and working abroad has been one I will never forget and always cherish, I feel it changed me so much and although there were some difficult times I benefited me so much. I met some many amazing people and experienced so many of the amazing things that this country has to offer and now it is time to hop on a plane and return to my home land and experience all that it has to offer. D.Mount